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Is it acceptable for non Muslims to wear burkas?

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My Kid goes to school. The school says this is what you MUST wear. Simple. ! No if or buts . Do it or don’t come to school!. The burka is the same as a kid With pink hair. It has nothing to do with religion.
I'm quite aware wearing the burka isn't a religious requirement

You stated on a previous post the burka was a "fashion statement" and you still haven't made yourself clear with that ridiculous "pink hair" analogy.


I'm partly with you on the rules and regulations issue, if that's what you mean, but there is no need to impose a full burka ban everywhere here in the UK.

The government just need to issue some guidelines which may require some forms of restriction being put in place. So that all community institutions will know exactly where they stand and there is no confusion.

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Our cultural norm is tolerance and strength, that in itself is a pretty broad brush which includes the burqa and many other things.


If the US ban it then we will no doubt follow suit.


---------- Post added 06-11-2014 at 13:49 ----------



Argument lost.


So in answer to your first post above our cultural norm includes 'strength' but if America does something we do the same?


You are comic gold. :hihi:


With regard to your remark aimed at me, the statement of mine which you quoted was in response to two comments cyclone made to me in two separate posts.


Firstly, that I was 'weird' if I went around smiling at people, and secondly that I was not 'normal' because I did so.


Given that, I believe that my response that he was perhaps a miserable introvert was perfectly justified.

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And perhaps you are a miserable introvert who isn't able to function in a normal fashion?

Maybe. Maybe not. You'll never know.


For over twelve years I spent a night in London every month on business, I had family in London in Clapham and friends in Wanstead.

And whilst in London you went around smiling and trying to chat to everyone that crossed your path. :rolleyes:


My wife and I spent many weekends with both of them and I know my way around London extremely well, do you?

Is it a geography competition now?


You never actually read the posts you respond to do you? I said that you smile and nod Depending on the circumstances - number of people, location etc so how is it that you ignore that and reply in such a daft manner?

You said that it was the norm to smile and nod at everyone that crosses your path.

Apparently that's impossible if either you or someone else is wearing a burka and this is somehow against the cultural norm of the UK.

You're talking nonsense of course, but you have been for many pages now.


Shame not everyone holds your views on people wearing what they like isn't it?

Indeed it is. The country would be a much nicer place if I didn't have to argue against fascism in the name of freedom.


Walmart have been forced to withdraw a halloween costume based on male Pushtan costume, after complaints from Muslims.

So what? Does this somehow justify in your mind banning the burka in public?


Where did I say I was betting with myself? Is that something that you do? In fairness I can understand it, as from your references to not smiling you come across as extremely antisocial.

An inference I drew.


Is your favourite form of exercise jumping to conclusions?

No, it's destroying the arguments of idiots and fascists on the internet. You're keeping me busy :hihi:


'You've clearly never been to London' 'Betting with yourself' :)


Is your favourite form of exercise jumping to conclusions?


---------- Post added 06-11-2014 at 14:06 ----------


Our cultural norm in this country is not to cover ones face unless it is for safety or exceptional reasons.

No it isn't.

In this land of equality of the sex's why don't Muslin men were the burka ?


Why don't you wear a nice maxi dress?


---------- Post added 06-11-2014 at 14:10 ----------


Firstly, that I was 'weird' if I went around smiling at people, and secondly that I was not 'normal' because I did so.


Given that, I believe that my response that he was perhaps a miserable introvert was perfectly justified.


Uh huh, I say that some particular behaviour is weird. You call me a miserable introvert.


Figures for your level of debate.


Edit - actually I never said weird, you just made that up.


I said


Personally I don't interact with a very many people that cross my path. Perhaps you're not as normal as you think.

You responded with

Perhaps your a miserable introvert

Pretty much equivalent, at least in your mind.

Edited by Cyclone
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You must go around looking creepy a lot if you smile at everyone before you speak.



Yes you're correct ( possibly a first on this thread ) you didn't say weird you said creepy.


So, in two separate posts you call me 'creepy' and 'perhaps not normal' because I sometimes smile at people, and I respond with 'perhaps you're anti social'.


Seems a reasonable inference to draw in my opinion.


Please don't get upset, your obviously a sensitive soul. :)

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Indeed it is. The country would be a much nicer place if I didn't have to argue against fascism in the name of freedom.

How about I don't do you the injury of posting a few definitions (several independent sources, for balance) of fascism, and you drop the Godwin bit in this debate already? :)
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Wow, been to work, had a sleep, been out( avoiding CCTV ) come back and he is still abusing people who don't agree with him.

He did loose the argument a while back tho


Say's the guy who likes to jump in without checking his facts, 'one for every eleven people a myth', remember that?


And only in your mind did I 'loose' the argument, I didn't lose it either.


The fact that you have absolutely no concept of what action the government would take in the event of mass identity concealment shows a level of naivety which rules you out of being able to contribute any meaningful argument to the debate.


Sleep well, no doubt you've had a hard working night. :)

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I've no idea what those reasons are since I've never asked a burka wearer why she wears it.

I would seek to challenge the behaviour of the men who compel women to wear it against their will, I can't see how banning it will do any of that.


---------- Post added 05-11-2014 at 15:35 ----------


just for starters , how would you set about challenging the Saudi Arabian men ?


---------- Post added 06-11-2014 at 15:06 ----------


That ferry crossing gets cheaper with every winning bet. Enjoy France and give our love. :wave:



Like 6.5 million of your muslim mates do :hihi:

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