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Is it acceptable for non Muslims to wear burkas?

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How does that conflict with what I've said? The circumstances dictate such bans, not the garment.

The ban isn't indiscriminate, 'private retail organisations' make an assessment of risk and presumably have associated the wearing of certain items of clothing with higher degrees of risk, they're not banned because store managers are making any social comment about they're being worn. I'm sure when bank robbers, pickpockets and thieves routinely use the burka to avoid detection the view might change.

I'm afraid that doesn't become the case, just because you say so.

I wouldn't tell a Christian, Jew, Hindu or Sikh how they should demonstrate their adherence to their faith, it's a personal matter for them, and doesn't affect me one iota, so let them get on with it.


OK you obviously have not been following the debate.


'The circumstances dictate such bans', that is exactly what I have been saying.


I maintain that if we, the general public, decided to hide our identity in public as a matter of course then covering your face in public would be banned, because the circumstances would dictate it, yes?


Therefore, it means that the burka is a discriminatory piece of clothing because a minority are being allowed to do something that the majority wouldn't be.


It is immaterial that you wouldn't tell other faiths how to show their adherence to their faith, they're not interested in your view, they are following the tenets of their faith.


How many more times? Wearing a burka is not required by the Muslim faith, most Muslims in this country and many other countries do not wear the burka.


They are banned in Turkey, a country that is 98% Muslim.


Burkas are an affectation, a personal choice, something that quite often the male of the family, who is strolling around dressed like an American gangsta rapper has forced on his subjugated women.


That means that we are allowing a minority to do something on a whim that the majority would not be allowed to do.

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That would fall under discriminating on religious lines.


Why would it. I can stick on a burka and so can anyone else. You don't have to be muslim to wear one therefore a business is no more discriminating on religious or racial grounds than if they banned folk wearing Afghan coats.


Do you think it would be discrimination to exclude these guys from your restaurant?



Edited by roosterboost
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Why would it. I can stick on a burka and so can anyone else. You don't have to be muslim to wear one therefore a business is no more discriminating on religious or racial grounds than if they banned folk wearing Afghan coats.


Do you think it would be discrimination to exclude these guys from your restaurant?




No but it would be classed as discrimination to ban a Muslim women that believes it is her religious obligation to wear a burka.

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Simple question, has anyone ever seen a notice anywhere that said 'No burkas allowed in these premises' ?


Because I haven't, I've seen 'No Hoodies allowed' ,I've seen 'Motorcycle helmets must be removed before entering the premises' but never any references to burkas.


Anyone any idea why?

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The point is monkey boy I am right.


The other point is that you keep proving that not only are you not the sharpest tool in the box, you are abusing the inability to be irrational.


You dropped yourself in it with the 'dear' comment, that's the remark of a smartarse, and I have derived much amusement over more years than you have been on the planet putting smartarses in their place. :)


You have been given a challenge, so what's it to be, are you going to put up or shut up?


My mate can give you the answer because his years in the force and his degree have provided him with the experience and knowledge to come to a highly educated conclusion as to what the response of the authorities would be in such circumstances.


Compare that with your ridiculous pure guesswork and lack of the ability to comprehend simple concepts and where does that leave us?


For instance, your inane remark that Moss v Mclachan wasn't anything to do with face covering.


I never said that it was, did I?


It was referred to as an example of what happens when the governments authority is challenged.


I made the mistake of assuming that you could work that out for yourself, obviously I overestimated your abilities.


Unlike me, my mate continues to be employed in a highly responsible job and has no time for pratting about on this forum.


Prior to my retirement I ran my own business for sixteen years and there is no way that I would have wasted my time on here.


This forum is for the retired and those with too much time on their hands. :)


Lovely cop out. ( see what I did)



Head, bang, wall.

When you are dead you don't know you are dead and it only concerns the ones around you.

It's the same when you are stupid. He just doesn't know.

Edited by monkey104
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To those who believe in total freedom, I would like to know how you would feel if you were in a situation where you needed to engage in conversation with a woman wearing a burka?.


For instance, in your workplace where face to face communication was required. Or if you were put in a position where seeing the other persons facial expression and responses was a really necessary form of communication?

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Simple question, has anyone ever seen a notice anywhere that said 'No burkas allowed in these premises' ?


Because I haven't, I've seen 'No Hoodies allowed' ,I've seen 'Motorcycle helmets must be removed before entering the premises' but never any references to burkas.


Anyone any idea why?


Whoo, straight off the ' Britain First' website

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