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Sunday 26th October - The Oblong Show - Red Deer


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October’s Oblong Show, our monthly evening of characters and comedic miscellany, will be absolutely slamming. There will be top banter about the very latest legislation as well as some cheeky tips on how to seduce your way to spiritual fulfilment. You will also be in with a chance at winning an all expenses paid trip for two to Nick Clegg’s back garden. Oh, we will be bringing it, so, rest assured, it will be brought, to its chilling conclusion.


Sir Dickie Benson


Our nation’s greatest living actor, Sir Dickie has kindly taken time out of his busy voiceover recording schedule to spend an evening with us vivaciously recounting the many trials and tribulations that saw him winning three Academy Awards (Best Actor: ‘The Elegance of the Epicurean Eunuch’ 1974, ‘Prom nights in Patagonia’ 1993, and Best Supporting Actor: ‘L’Apprenti de Fromagers/The Cheese Makers Apprentice’, 2001), receiving ten Academy Award nominations, and winning the World Greco-Roman Wrestling Championship of 1971. He has promised to speak candidly about the many struggles he has faced with substance abuse, promiscuity, and the countless scandals that have almost destroyed his career. Despite our assurances that this will not be necessary, he has nonetheless insisted on ‘baring all’.



Adam Price

Al Greaves

Mike Bentley

Rio Bauer

and host

Rich Milner


Doors open 7.00pm, show starts 7.30pm

Admission £3

Reservations available via twitter/facebook.


The Red Deer

18 Pitt Street

Sheffield S1 4DD

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