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Boy racers congregating at Morrisons Catcliffe

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How often do you need to use this land on a Sunday evening?




Most of them are responsible believe it or not. There may be one or two fools amongst them but those fools will be fools wherever they go. Let them meet up and show their cars off, they could be doing worse things with their spare time.


I think you've quoted me without quite understanding what I was trying to say. My original comment was posted in haste as dinner was ready, so maybe my intention wasn't clear enough.


My comment was;


Because, as it's land to which the public has access, the road traffic laws apply, dangerous driving included. (yes I've corrected the typo ;) )


Unfortunately some folks, whilst enjoying themselves, give responsible car enthusiasts a bad name, and cause grief for everyone.


I'm not disputing for a minute that the majority of people behave themselves, but unfortunately "some folks", be it Gumball or evan a local cruise on occasion, do cause annoyance and draw attention to themselves in a negative way.

This upsets the locals, sometimes the landowners, attracts the police and may well endanger someone's safety.

Remember, it also upsets the responsible car enthusiasts who may well be attending the same event.


I could easily be one of the enthusiasts, depending on timing and location; I've no problem with a police presence at a well organised event to keep a lid on problems.

I'm very much aware that some events attract high profile policing, which involves dishing out shed loads of tickets to discourage future attendance. I don't want to get caught in the fallout.


I actually do understand very much why people are into modding cars, having a kit car, and rather non standard Landrover, myself.

I also have no objection to folks meeting to enjoy themselves, whether they turn up on foot, skateboard or BMX.

When one turns up in any vehicle, on land "to which the public has access", road traffic laws do apply; many drivers don't realise that the law changed some time ago, and believe they are immune from motoring prosecutions in a private car park.


So long as they stay within the law, and the landowner has no objections, then I agree, why shouldn't people be allowed free association, regardless of their form of transport? I'd like to think that we don't live in a police state.


Whilst I accept that it was a car show than a local cruise, even the 2014 Hope Motor Show, out at the Traveller's in Brough, had to be cancelled by the organisers because of the antics of a minority on the road after the event the previous year. I think there was a police presence in 2013, but from what I remember, they left early.




Sadly the warning wasn't heeded by a minority.




There is no doubt that both the true enthusiasts, and some local charities are poorer due to the actions of a few irresponsible drivers.

Yes the latter were probably egged on by the crowd, but that's when people show off, run out of talent, lose it, and someone sadly gets hurt.

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