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Poster blames rape victims, does it?

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There's this petition to try and get these NHS posters removed, apparently some think it's blaming the victims (of rape).


When I saw it, I interpreted it simply as advice to try and not drink so much alcohol that you are exposed and vulnerable. Now I've seen this campaign I've had another think about it but still can't really see how it blames victims (although I can see how the photograph could distress other victims).


Link here.. http://www.change.org/p/jeremy-hunt-nhs-home-office-remove-all-copies-of-this-victim-blaming-poster?share_id=EzWhTBbddr&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=share_petition




Because of the sensitive nature of this topic I'd like to make my own opinions clear so that no assumptions are made about me.


-Does this poster blame the victim for rape? I can't personally see how it can


-Is the message clear? I don't think so, I think it could be worded a lot better. As part of an alcohol awareness campaign by the NHS, I think it would be better worded to explain that the risks of alcohol abuse leave everyone more exposed and vulnerable to physical attacks and other crimes, not just rape.


-Is the image appropriate? No, in my opinion it could be very distressing for people who have already been such victims, I think it's awful.


If the poster was part of an anti-rape campaign there would be more to question about it, however, we must remember that this is an alcohol awareness campaign by the NHS.

Edited by RootsBooster
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I think it's just tipped into dodgy territory to be honest, so agree with Jack May.


Besides, it's an NHS poster as part of the "Alcohol: Know Your Limits" campaign. I think they are perfectly entitled to stress the health implications of excessive alcohol, but to stress the criminal sexual abuse risk of alcohol is beyond their remit.


It also comes from some decidedly dodgy statistics that was pulled apart on Radio 4's More Or Less programme. Notice the use of the word drinking and not drunk.


Even if it was a campaign run solely by The Home Office I think it still tips into victim blaming territory. The "no means no" campaign was much more sensible.

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There's this petition to try and get these NHS posters removed, apparently some think it's blaming the victims (of rape).


When I saw it, I interpreted it simply as advice to try and not drink so much alcohol that you are exposed and vulnerable. Now I've seen this campaign I've had another think about it but still can't really see how it blames victims (although I can see how the photograph could distress other victims).


Link here.. http://www.change.org/p/jeremy-hunt-nhs-home-office-remove-all-copies-of-this-victim-blaming-poster?share_id=EzWhTBbddr&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=share_petition


I'm uncomfortable with it. If it's 1 in 3, what are the statistics for the other 2 as relating them to "knowing your limits".


If 1 of the other 2 are rapes within the family, where are the "avoid marriage, know your limits" posters as an example?


Plus, why are there no posters demonizing rape?


It may be that 1 in 3 is a true figure but advertising it could also become the general perception that it's a loosely acceptable figure. That perception "could" overflow onto the justice system and undermine it.


Thoughtful thread..but as I said, uncomfortable.


---------- Post added 29-10-2014 at 17:00 ----------


Don't think it's blaming the victims but it does seem to be suggesting that getting a few pints down your neck halves the likelihood of being raped...


Or increase the likelihood for a set of other criteria. I don't think a rapist is defined by alcohol. He'll just move onto the next victim. If every woman stopped drinking alcohol the numbers would just increase for another criteria..like dog walking.

Edited by skinz
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I can see why some are uncomfortable with the poster. It wasn't so long ago (and perhaps it still is true) that victims of rape, who reported their ordeal were disbelieved, or considered somehow complicit by agencies of the criminal justice system if they went out for a drink.

The NHS spokesman who said that they can't see what the problem is serves to highlight a disconnect.

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As a woman I don't think it helps to deny that women need to look after themselves.


It in no way excuses a rapist, but women really do have to keep their drinking down to a level where they know what they are doing. Just don't make yourself an easy target is not a bad thought to keep in mind.It isn't just the drink either, why on earth don't they make sure they stick together and all get home safely.

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There's this petition to try and get these NHS posters removed, apparently some think it's blaming the victims (of rape).


When I saw it, I interpreted it simply as advice to try and not drink so much alcohol that you are exposed and vulnerable. Now I've seen this campaign I've had another think about it but still can't really see how it blames victims (although I can see how the photograph could distress other victims).


Link here.. http://www.change.org/p/jeremy-hunt-nhs-home-office-remove-all-copies-of-this-victim-blaming-poster?share_id=EzWhTBbddr&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=share_petition


Its stating things as it is. Its not blaming anyone other than the rapist. These people want to get a life and do something positive instead of complaining all the time.

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I think its a vile poster and is victim blaming- so now women can't even have a drink without 'asking for it'...............



and why is there not a comparable poster saying what percentage of RAPISTS had had a drink before committing the crime??


and that could be extended to other criminal and abusive behaviour.


People behave worse when drinking generally...

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I think its a vile poster and is victim blaming- so now women can't even have a drink without 'asking for it'...............



and why is there not a comparable poster saying what percentage of RAPISTS had had a drink before committing the crime??


and that could be extended to other criminal and abusive behaviour.


People behave worse when drinking generally...


It doesn't blame anyone. It states some facts. You are wrong.

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