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Poster blames rape victims, does it?

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Writing it my way increases the figure from 1 in 3 to 1 in 2 making it a more powerful massage, excluding the fact that 1 in 3 rapists are intoxicated was silly on a poster which is meant to make people think about how much they drink.


To add a little light-heartedness to this, it would be only fair to point out your bold. It does show how powerful a statement can be!

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Isn't it time to turn the camera round and start teaching males not to rape?








---------- Post added 03-11-2014 at 22:12 ----------


It might have been less controversial if the poster had said.


50% of reported rapes happen when the assailant, the victim or both have been drinking.


Or, 100% of rapes carried out are carried out by 100% rapists, resulting in 100% victims, regardless of drinking, mini skirts, bright lipstick, or even "Rape me" tattooed on her forehead.

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Or, 100% of rapes carried out are carried out by 100% rapists, resulting in 100% victims, regardless of drinking, mini skirts, bright lipstick, or even "Rape me" tattooed on her forehead.


But that wouldn't be relevant to an alcohol Know your limits’ campaign.

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Who cares, they got it wrong..the above is aimed at the perp only, negating any correlation or dependence towards the victim as relating to a rapists agenda..


You would be right if it was an anti rape poster, but it wasn't, it was an know your limits poster which means it needed to say something about alcohol.

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The UK data on drink/crime is useless.


More reliable data comes from the US which states that 34% of rapists were intoxicated, so likely that much more had been drinking in comparison with the victims.


So if drink was a factor it is much more likely to be a factor with the rapist than the victim. So where's the campaign that says; "one in three rapists have been drinking"?


Rape, more than any other crime, seems to create a impression with many people that the victim is somehow to blame.


Although drink is likely to be a factor in why rapists might rape, this campaign is targeted at women as potential victims. Although you might be able to read the campaign in a sensible manner, many will not.


We should always remember that even criminals have a moral compass, it's just that they invent their own to justify their actions. This is why victim blaming, even when done naively with good intentions like this, makes people so angry.


Is it within the power of a potential rape victim, to control the amount of booze a would be rapist consumes? Or is it within the power of a potential rape victim, to control the amount of alcohol they themself consume?


Focusing on the one, will encourage (I would hope) women to retain a clear head and an awareness of the safety or danger of her own surroundings.


I for one, am all about pragmatism, doing things and raising awareness, with a goal of keeping women safe, and reducing the incidence of rape. I can well imagine that the moral imdignation of some, only serves to prevent campaigns like this, and so actually increase the incidence of rape.


I don't see what's so wrong in focusing on what individuals can do to keep themselves safe (given that there are some nasty characters about). I also don't see how people equate actual things an individual can do to stay safe, with, "because you didn't do those things, you're responsible for what happened to you". They're very clearly different things, at least in my mind they are.


To my mind, blame is a bit irrelevant, it is bolting the stable door after the event. The main issue, I think, is just be sensible and aware and stay safe.


---------- Post added 03-11-2014 at 23:38 ----------



Yeah. We should have more of this kind of thing too.

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How do I interpret it as victim blaming?


Well it features the implied picture of raped woman does it not. It has the message "one in three reported rapes happens when the victim has been drinking". So in addition to the picture of a rape victim the implication is that she has also been drinking.


"one in three reported rapes happens when the victim has been drinking"


What is the point of that message juxtaposed with that picture if it is not "if only she'd not been drinking she might not have been raped"

The point is to advise people to drink responsibly. It's common sense that the more you drink, the more vulnerable you become.


Again, you're not actually explaining how you've arrived at your conclusion, you've only asked 'what else could the point be, if not what I think?'

It's like a creationist being asked why they believe that a god made the world and them answering "how else could it have been made?"



That's the very definition of victim blaming.
...circular reasoning, you've come up with your interpretation of it and then self-affirmed it with 'That's the very definition of victim blaming'.


Your still a long way off any explanation as to why you would think this poster blames the victim.



It might not be as blatantly obvious, or horrible, as "one in three reported rapes happens when the victim has been wearing a short skirt" ... but the logical conclusion of victim blaming is the same.

That would make no sense at all though, this is a small part of a larger responsible drinking campaign, other posters include advising men about the risks of getting violent and/or abusive when dinking, some advise about taking care not to try stupid stunts, walking into the road, falling into rivers while drinking etc.


If you're going to make comparisons...


If a poster said that 2 in 3 reported muggings happened in dark alleys, would that mean that the victim is to blame for being mugged because he/she walked down a dark alley?


If a poster said that 2 in 3 reported burglaries happened to houses that had an unlocked front door, would that mean that the victim is to blame for being burgled because they had left the door unlocked?


---------- Post added 04-11-2014 at 10:23 ----------


As a male, I totally agree with you Parvo :)


It amazes me that women still perpetuate the focus of rape on women....


When 95% of rapes are perpetrated by males

Can you explain how the poster blames women for being raped?

Isn't it time to turn the camera round and start teaching males not to rape?
It's not an anti-rape campaign though, it's part of an responsible drinking campaign that also does target men becoming violent and abusive.


---------- Post added 04-11-2014 at 12:52 ----------



Yes, if it was a man in the gutter


Not when the photo is a drunken, underdressed female

You mean like this? (part of the same campaign)


Just perpetuates the patriarchal stereotype of what women are not supposed to be


How dare they be underdressed, drunken and having fun!


That right is reserved only for males!!



She doesn't look like she's having fun to me.
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