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Poster blames rape victims, does it?

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Drinking. Drunk. The implication is inebriation but thats irrelevant really. Its not that i havnt understood the stats. Im just not as bothered as you are in trying to defend a pointless point. You like the sad loners wanting the picture banned are just putting your energies into the wrong direction. Saying the poster is blaming the victim is just crazy talk and your posts here trying to back up that crazy talk are just as crazy. So ill bow out and just say you have a good night :)


Now don't go getting your fanny in a twist because an important fact was pointed out to you.


Roots has asked for opinions on the poster..a very simple request, I'm guessing the opinions he would like is what is there textually and visually which could or could not regard it as "blame".. Some have given opinions some haven't. Some have even gone further with opinions on rape itself. You on the other hand have bastardised the text within the poster, no one else has.


Personally I don't think it's blame, but considering the slut, whore type threads with men on here manifesting themselves as female rape victims (yes it's happened) then I'm not surprised if there's backlash to the poster.


---------- Post added 29-10-2014 at 23:28 ----------



Crazy to go on a date sober or drunk?


Ron, get off the bottle if you want to debate with me. ok?


---------- Post added 29-10-2014 at 23:36 ----------


Drinking. Drunk. The implication is inebriation but thats irrelevant really. Its not that i havnt understood the stats. Im just not as bothered as you are in trying to defend a pointless point. You like the sad loners wanting the picture banned are just putting your energies into the wrong direction. Saying the poster is blaming the victim is just crazy talk and your posts here trying to back up that crazy talk are just as crazy. So ill bow out and just say you have a good night :)


If I was easily influenced, just the above rant alone would sway that influence. But as I'm not prone to being influenced by rants it's immaterial.

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Now don't go getting your fanny in a twist because an important fact was pointed out to you.


Roots has asked for opinions on the poster..a very simple request, I'm guessing the opinions he would like is what is there textually and visually which could or could not regard it as "blame".. Some have given opinions some haven't. Some have even gone further with opinions on rape itself. You on the other hand have bastardised the text within the poster, no one else has.


Personally I don't think it's blame, but considering the slut, whore type threads with men on here manifesting themselves as female rape victims (yes it's happened) then I'm not surprised if there's backlash to the poster.


---------- Post added 29-10-2014 at 23:28 ----------



Ron, get off the bottle if you want to debate with me. ok?


---------- Post added 29-10-2014 at 23:36 ----------



If I was easily influenced, just the above rant alone would sway that influence. But as I'm not prone to being influenced by rants it's immaterial.

The poster is aimed at girls. I should imagine that virtually all girls, and certainly all the girls that this poster is aimed at, know that rape is heinous and does not need to point out to them that rapists are evil f***heads.

It is telling them the stats on rape. It is warning them implicitly that if they are drunk they are more likely to be raped.

I am not drunk right now. Nor have I had anything to drink. Please don't assume that my judgment is clouded because I'm drunk. Or do you think that my judgment would be more clouded when drunk?

If I was in a dangerous situation, I would prefer to be sober than drunk. My point, crudely put to make a point.

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It is telling them the stats on rape. It is warning them implicitly that if they are drunk they are more likely to be raped.


Or don't drink and you're just as liable to get raped by the other 2 out of the 3.

Avoid 1, oops, just got raped by 2, avoid 1 and 2, oops, just git raped by 3.


The point is..eradicate reasons 1-2-and 3 and they will be replaced by another 1-2 and 3. Rapists do not stop raping because you've had a bottle one less.


I am not drunk right now. Nor have I had anything to drink. Please don't assume that my judgment is clouded because I'm drunk.


Then don't ask such moronic questions such as:


If your daughter was going on a date with a rapist would you prefer her to be sober or ****ed?


Why would anyone go on a date with a rapist, let alone my daughters :roll:

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Or don't drink and you're just as liable to get raped by the other 2 out of the 3.

Avoid 1, oops, just got raped by 2, avoid 1 and 2, oops, just git raped by 3.


The point is..eradicate reasons 1-2-and 3 and they will be replaced by another 1-2 and 3. Rapists do not stop raping because you've had a bottle one less.

This is so illogical that it is barely worth responding to but...

is this the same suggestion that because most car accidents are caused by sober drivers, then because fewer are caused by drunk drivers, it is safer to drive drunk? No is the answer.

And I would guess that most rapists are opportunists, they will go for a soft target because they are cowards and because logically they are more likely to succeed.


Then don't ask such moronic questions such as:

If it such a moronic question, how come you are too moronic to answer it?


Why would anyone go on a date with a rapist, let alone my daughters :roll:

My point is, how do you know that someone is a rapist? Or can you just spot them? Are you psychic? Perhaps you should work for the police picking rapists out of the crowd. Where were you when Ched the rapist was doing his thing?


So the question remains - would you like your daughter to be drunk or sober when a rapist is alone with her in a room?

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So the question remains - would you like your daughter to be drunk or sober when a rapist is alone with her in a room?


I would prefer it if my daughters were sober enough to know that saying yes means they are consenting, and that my son is sober enough to know that women sometimes say yes when they mean no, sometimes change their minds after starting and sometimes say yes when they have had a drink and then regret it afterwords. My advice to women and men is don't get drunk, my advice to men is record all your sexual activity and keep a copy of the recording for the rest of your life. ;)

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I would prefer it if my daughters were sober enough to know that saying yes means they are consenting, and that my son is sober enough to know that women sometimes say yes when they mean no, sometimes change their minds after starting and sometimes say yes when they have had a drink and then regret it afterwords. My advice to women and men is don't get drunk, my advice to men is record all your sexual activity and keep a copy of the recording for the rest of your life. ;)


I accept it is a minefield.

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I would prefer it if my daughters were sober enough to know that saying yes means they are consenting, and that my son is sober enough to know that women sometimes say yes when they mean no, sometimes change their minds after starting and sometimes say yes when they have had a drink and then regret it afterwords. My advice to women and men is don't get drunk, my advice to men is record all your sexual activity and keep a copy of the recording for the rest of your life. ;)


So basically youre telling the lads to film it. Id love to see how that conversation goes. 'Sweetheart, i want you, i want you now, oh, wait, let me just get my camera'

I bet a swift kick in the knackers would soon follow :hihi::hihi:

Im sorry, im not making light of this but its just the image of some young lad trying to get his girl to agree to be filmed :hihi::hihi:

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So basically youre telling the lads to film it. Id love to see how that conversation goes. 'Sweetheart, i want you, i want you now, oh, wait, let me just get my camera'

I bet a swift kick in the knackers would soon follow :hihi::hihi:

Im sorry, im not making light of this but its just the image of some young lad trying to get his girl to agree to be filmed :hihi::hihi:


A compromise could for for each to record a message of consent before starting, but that doesn't counter the possibility that one of them might change their mind halfway through.

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"1 in 3 rapes happens when the victim has been drinking "


Basically it's saying don't drink because individuals have differing tolerances to the effects of alcohol. The poster does acknowledge "victim" though.


For me it suggests by taking personal responsibility you've somehow indirectly supported the predator in not going through with the act. If you reduce rape by one criteria it'll only increase in another unless a 1 in 3 rape is only defined by alcohol consumption.


I disagree with the ambiguous way they have used the statistics but simply presenting a statistic certainly doesn't place any blame on anyone for anything.

(I've added to my OP btw, if it interests you)

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I don't think its victim blaming but its putting the onus on the victim.


For balance is there a poster targetting potential perpetrators? Isn't that really where the problem is?


If a woman wants to go out and let her hair down a bit then she should be able to without thinking about getting raped.


I an perfect world then yes. In a perfect world you could also leave your door open without fear of being robbed, leave your car keys in the ignition (not that it would need keys in a perfect world) without fear of it being stolen, etc... unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world so everyone should take reasonable steps to protect themselves from harm. If this means locking your doors and and not getting so drunk you can't even say your own name then so be it.


Taking measures to protect yourself, or advising offers to do the same is in no way victim blaming, on the contrary, it is helping to prevent people becoming victims.



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