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Dont forget the wild birds

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The birds in our garden are getting seriously picky about what they will and won't eat. Bread, Yorkshire pudding, bacon rinds, lumps of lard, fine. Anything they consider to be 'foreign muck' (lasagne, couscous, rice, croissants, enchilladas), they tend to kick off the bird table in disgust.


Secret UKIP supporters/Daily Mail readers, I reckon.

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The birds in our garden are getting seriously picky about what they will and won't eat. Bread, Yorkshire pudding, bacon rinds, lumps of lard, fine. Anything they consider to be 'foreign muck' (lasagne, couscous, rice, croissants, enchilladas), they tend to kick off the bird table in disgust.


Secret UKIP supporters/Daily Mail readers, I reckon.


You'll need to wait until spring time, when the immigrants arrive to take all of our flies and all of our nesting sites.

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