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Dont forget the wild birds

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I have 'picky' birds too!! They will only eat the sunflower hearts, not the wild bird food mix. I have hanging feeders as I also have mapies, greedy things, I can't put food out for the ground feeders as the big birds scoff the lot! I feed the blackbirds early morning, they seem to get up before the others!!!

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dont forget to put food out for the birds and other animals this winter.


Theres no point trying to feed the wild birds in my garden and believe me ive tried. Theres just too many cats and they just kill them whilst they are feeding. I had an awful mess to sort out the first time i left food out and havent left it out since.

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  • 11 months later...
They need food too!


I'm sorry but I won't feed these birds as these birds are the reason the song birds have more or less disappeared where I live, the Magpies are killers of chicks along with the many cats that infest this area. There's a lovely wood near me and forty years ago the dawn chorus was a joy, now you are lucky to here a Blackbird, no Starlings, no Sparrow at one time I had Great Tits, Blue Tits, Greenfinches, Sparrows and Starlings now I'm very lucky to get a passing Tit.

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dont forget to put food out for the birds and other animals this winter.


Can you still get Swoop®?


(or has it gone the way of Spangles and Radiant?)


---------- Post added 09-12-2015 at 14:56 ----------


The birds in our garden are getting seriously picky about what they will and won't eat. Bread, Yorkshire pudding, bacon rinds, lumps of lard, fine. Anything they consider to be 'foreign muck' (lasagne, couscous, rice, croissants, enchilladas), they tend to kick off the bird table in disgust.


Secret UKIP supporters/Daily Mail readers, I reckon.


Express. It's the Daily Express readers that are the UKIP supporters. Mail readers support (the Europhobic wing of) the Tory Party.

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In a year an average sparrowhawk pair will take up to 1200 birds and that does not take into account the many many chicks that will then die on the nest. Back in the 60's I think they were put on the protected list but since then their numbers have rocketed and they've since moved into our gardens using bird tables as meat larders.


Cats often get the blame for the lack of garden birds but the threat comes mainly from the hawks and having seen many attacks in my garden it's easy to see why.


I keep fantail doves in my garden and they remain a very large threat.


As the poster said though keep those feeders stocked up, especially if you have through the summer as you'll have local birds that will be counting on it being there.

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