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Swiss contract children

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I tend to agree, I don't feel the Swiss were as neutral in World War II as they would like the world to think. Apparently there are vast amounts of money stashed in their Banks stolen by the nazis from Jewish Families and they are refusing to pay it back to the rightful heirs. I find it unbelievable that children could be just taken from their parents, but I don't think its that much different from the UK parceling off loads of children who were in care to Australia in the past.

Edited by Powerage
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This is a story that has passed me by since it emerged. I find it incredible that a so called civilized country allowed this to happen as recently as it did. My heart goes out to the kids that were robbed of their childhood.


BBC Link







I read the article yesterday (long one isn't it).

Shocking that this was happening as late as the late 70's.

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I read the article yesterday (long one isn't it).

Shocking that this was happening as late as the late 70's.


That was my point, how recent. I think the last one discovered was in the early eighties. The Australia,Canada, N.Z. and S. Africa stories are well documented and equally disgusting, but taking kids off their parents and even charging them for the privilege, then threatening to send them to an institution if they kick up a fuss?? Barbaric.




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Was going to start a thread on this. Can't say it is surprising.


"It was like a kind of punishment. Being poor wasn't recognised as a social problem, it was individual failure"


The attitude is all too common today towards the poor, particularly the unemployed. Makes me think of workfare, interesting that some landowners over here have called for unemployed to be forced to work for free on their inherited farms.



There is the sense of entitlement of the rentier possy that is the same the world over, and the audacity of them to say they were doing a social good. When they were merely exploiting those without land for their own personal gain.


Scroungers of the highest order, literally stealing the fruits of another's labour, sowing only injustice, poverty, mental health problems and so on, mean while reaping profit from the misery and slavery of another.


The Farmers Union agrees with the principle of compensation, but is adamant that farmers should not have to contribute. You have to understand the times in which these children were placed into foster care, says union president Markus Ritter. Councils and churches had no money. Farming families were asked to take children who had fallen on difficult times or had one parent so the farmers were fulfilling a social function.
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