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Latest opinion polls show Labour facing annihilation in Scotland.

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And it seems even more are keen for the SNP to gain more powers for the Scotish Assembley.



Labour is facing a potential electoral wipeout in Scotland, with a new poll suggesting more than twice as many voters would back the Scottish National party in May’s UK general election.


The Ipsos Mori poll for STV found just 23 per cent of voters would back Labour if a general election were held immediately, compared with 52 per cent who would back the SNP. That would imply the loss of almost all the 41 Westminster seats Labour won in Scotland in 2010.


Such a result could kill the hopes of Ed Miliband, Labour leader, to form a government and would give the SNP unprecedented influence at Westminster despite the Scottish nationalists’ defeat in last month’s independence referendum.


“For Labour this is a massive shock,” said Mark Diffley, Director at Ipsos Mori Scotland.


Would you vote for the bungling Ed's mad smiles?

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Nonsense, it was a hell of a lot closer than people initially anticipated. Try and brush it aside all you want, but the simple fact is that an enormous multiple of our PCC's electorate mandate went out and voted for independence of a part of the UK.


I'm sorry but you just do not comprehend that a margin of 55-45 in a two horse race is not regarded as close in election arithmetical terms at all by anybody. Like I said, in a French presidential election final run-off, which is the nearest kind of election to a referendum like that, a 55-45 margin is seen as a pretty severe drubbing. When Sarkhozy whupped the hapless Royal in 2007 everybody said she had lost by a mile - and guess what the margin was? 3%. Even in American presidential elections which are not two horse races like French ones, a 5 point margin between the winning and losing candidate is a very large margin indeed and in only a very few elections since 1945 has there been a margin as large as that.


The second 1995 Quebec referendum was close. So was the 1997 Welsh devolution referendum over whether they were to have a parliament. They really were close elections. But the 2014 Scottish election wasn't close at all. Just a little closer than most people thought it would be before the campaign started because YES fought such an excellent campaign.


---------- Post added 01-11-2014 at 16:21 ----------


Don't you believe it! "Glasgow - Yes 53.49% No 46.51%". The people of Glasgow voted by a majority to leave the Union.




it is true that is very worrying for Labour because for years and years, the Scots Nats made no headway at all in the real Scottish Labour heartlands until the referendum.


but who is to say that people are going to vote the same way in a General Election as they did in the referendum or in an election for the Scottish Parliament?


Labour got 1.8% less votes in the 2011 Scottish election than the Scots Nats did. In 2010, in the General Election, an election which they lost severely nationwide, they got 12% more than the Scots Nats in Scotland. Of course Labour are going to do better in Scotland in a General Election than they will in a Scottish (and European) one.

Edited by blake
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it is true that is very worrying for Labour because for years and years, the Scots Nats made no headway at all in the real Scottish Labour heartlands until the referendum.


but who is to say that people are going to vote the same way in a General Election as they did in the referendum or in an election for the Scottish Parliament?


Labour got 1.8% less votes in the 2011 Scottish election than the Scots Nats did. In 2010, in the General Election, an election which they lost severely nationwide, they got 12% more than the Scots Nats in Scotland. Of course Labour are going to do better in Scotland in a General Election than they will in a Scottish (and European) one.


Sadly you seem to be missing the point about all this. The predicted melt down comes from several opinion polls conducted in the last few days asking about peoples voting intentions in a general election and not a referendum. Currently it seems that in Scotland only around 23% of voters intend to vote for the reds and this would lead to the loss of virtually every seat Labour currently hold in Scotland.

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except even if the 23% figure you mention - and which I don't believe will be remotely what happens next May - turns out to be correct in the event, it is not going to be the same rate across the whole of Scotland. There is no chance, at all, of Labour losing 'virtually every seat' they hold in Scotland because the Lib Dem vote will fall as well and I doubt if the Tories will do very well either in May.


most of Labour's Scottish majorities are so massive, they have no chance of losing any more than just a few even if they do lose a lot of votes % wise across the country to the SNP. However they are in danger of losing more than the Tories, because the Tories, can lose only one!


the Tories of course used to have a majority of the parliamentary seats in Scotland in living memory. They were capable of beating Labour. Not any more. From a grand total of zero MP's in 1997, they now have in Scotland, 1 MP 17 years later. That is even worse than the Tories have done in Birmingham the secondf largest conurbation in the country where, more recently, they also used to enjoy a majority of MP's.


across the entire UK, you cannot place a positive bet with any bookmaker that Labour will not gain at least one seat, next election nationwide.


even if they lose a few in Scotland, that does not mean they will not gain more in England and Wales than they will lose there.

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except even if the 23% figure you mention - and which I don't believe will be remotely what happens next May - turns out to be correct in the event, it is not going to be the same rate across the whole of Scotland. There is no chance, at all, of Labour losing 'virtually every seat' they hold in Scotland because the Lib Dem vote will fall as well and I doubt if the Tories will do very well either in May.


most of Labour's Scottish majorities are so massive, they have no chance of losing any more than just a few even if they do lose a lot of votes % wise across the country to the SNP. However they are in danger of losing more than the Tories, because the Tories, can lose only one!


the Tories of course used to have a majority of the parliamentary seats in Scotland in living memory. They were capable of beating Labour. Not any more. From a grand total of zero MP's in 1997, they now have in Scotland, 1 MP 17 years later. That is even worse than the Tories have done in Birmingham the secondf largest conurbation in the country where, more recently, they also used to enjoy a majority of MP's.


across the entire UK, you cannot place a positive bet with any bookmaker that Labour will not gain at least one seat, next election nationwide.


even if they lose a few in Scotland, that does not mean they will not gain more in England and Wales than they will lose there.


If ever there was a person in denial once confronted with their worst nightmare it is you.




Wake up and sniff the coffee. Check the opinion polls and get yourself a stiff drink. It's the Ed Factor.


Like you said the Tories and L/Ds will get pasted in Scotland too. The Tories will very likley lose the only seat they hold there.

Edited by purdy
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I'm sorry but you just do not comprehend that a margin of 55-45 in a two horse race is not regarded as close in election arithmetical terms at all by anybody. ...


No I am sorry that you don't understand the following: When friend Dave agreed to go ahead with the referendum he was working on polls that suggested less than 30% would vote yes anyway. After the two year run-up the election result was a lot closer: 45-55. I don't care how you regard that, the underlying message is pretty clear: A hell of a lot more people in Scotland wanted out of the UK than was anticipated.


These people were less likely to return to the traditional parties anyway because they want to ensure that this evo-max thing becomes stronger.


Now take the referendum turn-out and compare that with a general election turnout:


Referendum: 84,6% (44,6 voted yes out of 3,6 million voters - so roughly 1,7 million out of the top of my head)


Last general election: 63,8% (a total of 2,456 million voters just over 1 million Labour voters)


It doesn't take a whole lot of imagination to realise that those 1,7 million Yes voters are going to be upset with the way the promised speedy resolution, promised by Mr. Brown no less, is being stalled left, right and centre.


So all of a sudden, instead of the 490,000 SNP voters we could well see over a million. Guess what is going to happen to Labour in that scenario? You don't need to guess, the link in the previous post illustrates what will happen.


Sure, it is probably exaggerated by the poll effect, but don't underestimate the power of this referendum on making people growing sympathetic to the SNP. Sturgeon is a big, big name in Scotland now and she isn't going to leave the media alone until the general elections and you can bet a thousand quid that the stalling of the Devo-max is going to give her all the ammunition she needs to do just that.

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For years Labour considered Scotland safe territory where they were guaranteed dozens of seats. Not any more.

Since the Scottish referendum voters have deserted Labour in droves and the SNP looks set for sweeping victories in May.

The indications are that the SNP could end up with more than 50 seats in Scotland and will probably be the 3rd largest party in terms of seats at Westminster.

I think this will have the "English" voters pulling their hair out as SNP MPs may well form part of a coalition government passing laws that only apply in England.




Purdy: Sorry bananas to spanners… Love your name!

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No I am sorry that you don't understand the following: When friend Dave agreed to go ahead with the referendum he was working on polls that suggested less than 30% would vote yes anyway.


garbage. Dave did not read PPE at Oxford under Vernon Bognador without knowing, that these kind of referendums, when they actually happen are always a lot closer, than 30-70. It is this stark two horse race and suddenly the electorate are faced with a choice they never had before and which fires their imaginations especially in a nationalist context. A lot of them didn't even vote seriously. Everyone knew NO was going to win so a lot of Scots voted YES, without really meaning it and knowing their vote would not count. In fact that was the factor that really worried the NO campaign. That enough 'pretend' YES voters, having their very rare Scottish nationalist 'day in the sun' would vote YES to tip them over the line - and then regret it, badly, the next day when the result turned out to be 49.99 NO vs 50.01 YES when it would have been too late, for them to change their minds.


compared to the Quebec referendum, the Scottish one was a walk in the park for the NO campaign. Scott Joplin wrote a song about results like that. It is called The Easy Winners.


the referendum result was never going to be anything like the 30-70 you claim and everybody sensible knew that. It was never going to be more than 40-60 at best, I thought before the campaign started that it would be 42-58, itself a totally whopping margin. As it turned out, the Scots Nats played a blinder, ran a brilliant campaign and only got whupped 45-55.

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the Scots Nats real victory was making out that the really rather comprehensive drubbing they received in the referendum, was a kind of victory just because it wasn't the total annhilation some people were predicting.


but that was Dave's big mistake, giving the Scots Nats the YES question. If the question had been not 'Should Scotland be an independent country?' but 'Should the UK continue in its present form with Scotland as part of it?' making the NO yes and YES no, then they wouldn't be on anything like the crest of the wave after having been being beaten so easily.

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