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Latest opinion polls show Labour facing annihilation in Scotland.

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the Scots Nats real victory was making out that the really rather comprehensive drubbing they received in the referendum, was a kind of victory just because it wasn't the total annhilation some people were predicting.


but that was Dave's big mistake, giving the Scots Nats the YES question. If the question had been not 'Should Scotland be an independent country?' but 'Should the UK continue in its present form with Scotland as part of it?' making the NO yes and YES no, then they wouldn't be on anything like the crest of the wave after having been being beaten so easily.


It is this sort of arrogant rhetoric that will ensure Labour and Tory decline for the next decades to come.

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It is this sort of arrogant rhetoric that will ensure Labour and Tory decline for the next decades to come.


I think it is called burrying one's head in the sand and hoping the nasty polsters go away.


Funnily enough I thought Cameron pulled a master stroke with the Scottish referendum. He got exactly the result he needed and has put the West Lothian question at the forefront of British politics. His reputation is in tact for keeping the union together and seems to have destroyed the Scottish Labour Party all before breakfast.

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