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My old Car has vanished overnight.

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Unless somebody has experienced this,it might sound like a strange thing to say,but when my car was stolen i just kept looking at the space half expecting it to re appear:loopy:


It doesn't happen just with stolen cars. I have 'lost' something at home. I keep going back to the place it should be, in the vain hope it might have reappeared.

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................I thought it was only me that kept going back expecting to see something I thought I had lost!!!!!!


Going back to the place you last saw something before it went missing and finding it does actually work ... it happened to me about a year ago.

I lost a pair of hearing aids ...they just went missing overnight from the glass tray on the dressing table in my bedroom. I always put them there before going to bed, it's the sole purpose of the tray.


The morning after the night I put the hearing aids on the tray, they'd just disappeared! No sign of them whatsoever ... tried looking behind, under, in the drawers of said dressing table ... zilch. Searched the house thoroughly ... nothing. Girlfriend came round and checked everywhere too ... nada.


A week later I just happened to look at the glass tray on the dressing table as I'd done many times since losing the hearing aids. There they were .... the hearing aids exactly where I put/lost them! :o


I can't explain this whatsoever. It certainly wasn't anything to do with G/F playing tricks on me, and she's the only other person who'd been in the house since I lost them. Total mystery with a capital m.


So, I'd suggest to marx not to worry about losing his car ... it'll probably turn up exactly where it was last parked in a week or so.

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