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Trick or Treat question.

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Having bought some treats I was mildly disappointed not to get any trick or treaters. Wish I'd have bought chocolate now instead of gummy sweets then I would have enjoyed the treat myself::P


Ye that old chestnut :hihi: ''I didn't hear the door go''



I did feel sorry for this little lass who comes in the shop I work in (on commonside) She had about 4 things in her trick or treat bag. I felt sorry for her so said for her to get something off the shelf and id pay for it.... She didn't mess about got a couple of quids worth of goodies :)

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Having bought some treats I was mildly disappointed not to get any trick or treaters. Wish I'd have bought chocolate now instead of gummy sweets then I would have enjoyed the treat myself::P

Ditto here. We normally get a few groups come round so bought in a few bags of fun size chocolate bars. No one came so we're forced to eat it all ourselves.



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...I know, I feel bad laughing, but it is funny! Miraculously, a couple of the kids weren't bratty and were very sweet, the little boy who said "it's ok", then hugged his mother. Awwww.


I don't think I would have filmed my kids and I THANK GOD Youtube wasn't around when I was a child, because this sort of "joke" is right up my dad's alley. And I'm sure I would have been one of the screamers. :hihi:

I'll admit to an 'awww' for the placid little boy who said 'you must have a belly ache', and the really small one whose dad was filching his sweeties from his plastic pumpkin (poor little bugger looked awfully distressed). A few of the others looked like they would have benefited from a swift visit from Father Karras.


If you're out and about in my neck of the woods during the early evening of Halloween you mostly see groups of little children in costumes with a few supervising adults going door to door. Later on you get the older kids who've made little or no effort at getting into the spirit of things and are all about the sweets/money. Neither group seem to have caught on to the 'trick' part of trick or treating; it's rather like Penny For The Guy-ing has moved back a few days.

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