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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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I was at work browsing probetalk.com (american car forum) reading a thread about a small plane that had just hit one of the towers, then kept reading all the news on that cos the beeb/sky etc websites were too busy.

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I guess the question is similar to the one my mother used to say "where were you when Kennedy was shot?"

you seem to rememeber those amazing history-busting awfull moments !!

i was in Hillsborough, wynyard road arguing with my partner about a skip

we watched open mouthed to what happened for it seemed like hours

I will always rememeber it


we were on our way to skeggy, just passed Gumby Corner when the news flash came on the radio. we could not believe it at first, then when we were in skeggy itself the tv's in the shops were showing the same picture of the planes crashing into the towers.



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Watching 24-Hr News - - First the breaking news of the first strike - - then the following live events. I was at home, determined to kick the booze. After a lifetime of working for and with American oil companies. Of living through the 70's & 80's hi-jacking, and PLO and Black September attacks, I could see the significance of this cowardly event.

I walked up to the local offie, and purchased two litres of scotch, then sat down and waited for the aftermath.

Quieter than I thought, I would have Nuked Em! With as much cause or chance that their governments condoned the slaughter of innocents with.

I have been back to the Middle East - - what a change. They now have fortifications around government buildings, and tourist hotels. I wish them well, in their descent into civil war andf terrorism.

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I was shopping in broomhill when the first plane hit, my friend who was listening to the radio called and told me what had just happened. I laughed because I thought he was joking. I got onto the bus and was still on the phone as he relayed more info the people around me were all trying to listen but diddnt yet know what had happened. I got home and turned on the t.v to see the towers collapse I stood there for hours watching the news and trying to call our family who work in newyork. I will never forget it either.

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I was driving back to work from an exhibition in Birmingham. There was a news flash on Radio 1 and so I tried to tune my radio into a more informative station to find out more. I didn't go back to work. I just drove straight home and sat on the sofa skipping through Sky News, CNN, Fox, BBC News and the rest of the channels.


Me and my fella went to New York last year and visited Ground Zero on our way to the Staten Island Ferry. Although it was several years on, the atmosphere and silence will stay with both of us for the rest of our lives.

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i was in our music studio watching things unfold with a few mates


remember feeling quite pleased that the imperialist united states of nazism were getting some back at last before the human tragedy of it sunk in


check this link tho, interesting ...


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i was running out of school and a mate told me! I had just jumped down this flight of stairs and sum1 told me.. I then listened to it all the way home in the car.. and when i get back, i was glued to the Tv for hours!


weird how we can remember in so muhc detail!!!! was over 4 years ago, but i can remember it exactly!

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A group of four of us, two Israelis, me (a Brit) and a German guy were staying at the same guesthouse, and having dinner in a restrauant in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, at about 9 pm.


CNN was on in the corner, with the sound turned down, but one of us saw them switch to blanket coverage after the first plane hit, and asked the owner to turn the sound up.


when the second plane hit, and it was obvious that it was a terrorist attack, we began to wonder who or what had done this.


probably because of the Israelis there, we'd actually been talking about the Middle East as we became aware of what was happening.


soon, The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility. Both the Israelis just laughed at this, and i was very sceptical myself. They just didn't have any form for that kind of thing, and it was obvious that they couldn't have done anything that big.


we realised that it was 'them' who'd bombed the US Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in '98 - Islamic Fundamentalists. But none of us had ever heard of or seen pictures of Osama Bin Laden before (and even then, CNN didn't get round to fingering him and broadcasting pictures until the next Thai day).


my sister called and told me she was worried. One of our closest friends was known to be flying from Newark to LA that morning, and it was also known that one of the planes that were hijacked had been flying that route. In the end, it turned out he'd got a different flight, and arrived a couple of hours before, but it took a couple of days to confirm he was safe.


We all got drunk in the restrauant and discussed how the world was never going to be the same again. When we said goodnight, one of the Israelis said to me, 'you know who's going to get the blame for this from them, don't you... ? Us, as usual.'


and he was right.

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