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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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I don't really remember as at the time I was only 5 and 9 months but I would have been in school, having just started second year of infants (Year 1).  

My dad tells me he was in Argos on Angel Street and my mum was at work.

The date only became vivid for me two years later when my brother was born, and for the first few years my memories of his birthdays are just TV channels playing documentaries and relocations of 9/11.


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I was at work. With 1000 kids and 100 or so, adults.


The first that I knew of it was when I stopped to buy The Star on my way home, to see whether Wednesday had signed anyone. The lady in the news agent just kept repeating “it’s terrible love, terrible”. 

It is amazing to think that I had no clue what had happened, despite being surrounded by so many people. That could never happen now.

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6 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

I was at work. With 1000 kids and 100 or so, adults.


The first that I knew of it was when I stopped to buy The Star on my way home, to see whether Wednesday had signed anyone. The lady in the news agent just kept repeating “it’s terrible love, terrible”. 

It is amazing to think that I had no clue what had happened, despite being surrounded by so many people. That could never happen now.

She was probably talking about Peter Shreeves being the owls manager.


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