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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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I was at work and I heard it on the radio. Total disbelief! How on earth could this happen? Worse was to follow. Hubby was working down in North Africa at the time. He was in Casablanca. The wonderful residents of Casa were out on the streets whooping with pure joy. The were exuberant that such a dreadful thing had happened.

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I was working for an internet company near the centre of Sheff and heard it from 1 of me mates who messaged me, needless to say, not much more work got done that day as we were to busy trying to get onto the news web sites and they kept crashing, i can even remember the desk i was sat at and a lass called Nikki was sat opposite me, that day will be forever imbedded into my memory

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I was at work watching it all happen via my PC. I had extra concern as my dad was over there on business and I knew his office was around that area. As it happens, he was giving a talk at a comference centre on the other side of the Hudson River and after the first plane hit, the meeting was stopped as everyone thought it was a bomb. They then all congregated outside and actually witnessed the second plane hit, plus both buildings fall. Not something he'll ever forget.

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i wasnt in sheffield, i was in tokyo.


id been for my dinner (in mcdonalds- the shame, i know) and went back to the hotel to see most of the residents in the lobby glued to the tv.


at first i thought it was a film...and then i realised.


a lot of the guests were american and i really felt for them. i couldnt help my self as the tears leaked, even now im getting the same thing again typing this as i remember. it was wierd as people came into the lobby all full of the joys of their holiday and then suddenly falling into a stunned silence as the realisation of what had happened kicked in. it was quite eerie.


the worst part for many of them was that they were already stranded. there had been a serious typhoon that delayed all flights out of tokyo narita airport just before. then due to 911, the the US stopped incoming flights, they were even more stuck. by the time i flew out, there were some that had been stuck for over a week, calling the airlines on a daily basis trying to get home.




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I have to admit I became a little bit obsessed with the whole thing. As tragic as it obviously was, it still remains one of the most spectacular things I have ever witnessed. I was up the WTC earlier that year and the concept of them collapsing the way they did is just mind boggling.




There is a programme on Monday night at 9pm about the only survivors from in the building, all of whom were in the same stair well which somehow provided some sort or protection.

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I'd just got home from college when the 1st plane hit. The assumption on the news at that point was that it'd been some sort of accident. Then the 2nd plane hit, hard to describe how it felt, disbelief I guess. I don't think even those reporting on it could get their head around it

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I was just coming home from town when I saw it on the news. The first tower had already been hit and I just thought what an odd movie to have on during the day. It took about a minute to work out it wasn't a movie as I was switching chanels. I can still feel that feeling of sitting in front of the tv with my mouth open and tears rolling down my face as I heard the screams of people.

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