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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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Right, let's have a look through my Outlook archives... we were investigating why OS9 iMacs were providing such relatively poor network performance (for the technically minded, they were operating in Half Duplex transfer mode) and we were fixing minor problems with our telephone / voicemail system.


Hold on a minute, 09/11/2001 is 9th November 2001, isn't it (thank you George) so what was I actually doing on 11/09/2001...


We were preparing to offload redundant computers to local schools, and seeing if there was a way to connect an external USB / Firewire CD burner to a PC running Windows NT4 Workstation (short answer: no).


We were also saying goodbye to a staff member who was leaving work to travel across the world (not surprisingly, they didn't go in the end!)

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I was on a tram on the way home from teaching, when my (now ex-)husband called on my mobile to tell me about it. He was suffering from severe mental health problems at the time and was laughing about Americans finally understanding what the rest of the world had to put up with in terms of terrorism. I thought he was having some sort of psychotic episode or playing a sick joke- til i got home.

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I was working in a psychiatric unit and looked into the TV lounge just as the second plane went in. Surreal and frightening. I recall standing on Hillsborough corner a couple of hours later, feeling quite detatched from reality, wondering if it was going to lead to war.

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I was in France at the time (in the bathroom brushing my teeth) , when my sister rang me on my mobile to tell me. I didn't get to see any TV pictures for almost a week!


Flew to the U.S 4 weeks later and the mood was very sombre. I remember people wearing shirts with Bin Laden's head printed on them.

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