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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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I was at home on my day off with my boyfriend.We were watching the breaking news reports about the first plane which at that point they thought was just a crash when suddenly we watched live as the second plane hit the towers. I remember feeling petrified that the UK would be next and that world war 3 was starting.

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I was at work on an industrial park near junction 29 and my mum phoned me to tell me.


It seems impossible to beleive now but i doubted the claims about how many people had died at the time, until it all unfolded on the media machine.


I can't believe one human being would do that to others.

People they would never meet, talk to, eat with, laugh with.

They didn't even give themselves the chance to learn to love or hate the people they were going to kill.


Guttless f**k pigs.


F@*$*/g idoits , all of 'em.

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I was at school, but no one said anything. Didn't notice anything at all, no atmosphere etc, so not sure how many of the teachers knew either. Got in and turned the TV on, it was on channel 4 cos we always watched 4 before school lol, and so we were wondering why there was a film on instead of Countdown!


After a while, and flicking channels we realised it was news, then we rang my mum at work who explained. To be honest I didn't have a clue what the WTC was until then.

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I was picking the kids up from school. Hubsta rang me to tell me, it was also the talk of the school playground pick-up-point.

Got home, and did what it sounds like everyone else did, sat glued to the 24hr news channel for about 4 days.

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I was working in the heart of Westminster at the time - I used to live in London.


Probably not the best of places to have been, I can remember my mum begging me to get out of London!!



Do you remember the plane that got lost in London about 3 weeks later?


It was genuinely lost but it flew about 20 metres over Centrepoint - I saw it and it was in all the early evening bulletins but was strangely pulled from the later ones...................

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Do you remember the plane that got lost in London about 3 weeks later?


It was genuinely lost but it flew about 20 metres over Centrepoint - I saw it and it was in all the early evening bulletins but was strangely pulled from the later ones...................


I've never heard of that?


Do you know anything more?

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I was in Meadowhall and didn't know anything about it. I went to a friends' later and several mates were there - they'd seen most of it. I got there just before the towers fell.


On 7/7, I was on a train to Bristol. Over the tannoy they told people not to go to London but didn't tell us why... I had to find the local newspaper in a newsagents when I got there to discover...

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I was sat in a lecture at PX College, our Tutor was out of the room when she came back in and told us. I didn't really understand what she was talking about, when I got home, I put on the news and couldn't quite believe what I was seeing!!!!

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