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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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It was a Tuesday wasn't it, because I has started a new part-time student job at a gym the day before. Was sat at home in the afternoon with my dad when it all unfolded on Sky News. Just remember feeling so glad my dad was with me, think it's one of those situations you just wanna be be around other people and contact folk you know...

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I was on my way to work and knew nothing till I got there. I work in a call centre and it is the first time they have ever put the tv on the screens we have, we all sat in total disbelife.


My husbands friend was in one of the towers the day before. and had come home on the eve of sept 10th.


I just cried every time i saw the news and got to the point that i couldnt watch it anymore.


My extended family lives in Florida and my cousin working as a life guard at the time pulled the fire alarm through sheer panic a few days later, he very nearly got expelled from his school.

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I was in Warwickshire over summer 2001 as I was on my university summer vacation. I'd worked all summer in a warehouse for Lloyds Chemist, and I was at work that day. They always played BRMB radio (a local station) over the tannoy, and it was on that day too.


First there came the message just before 2pm that a plane had crashed into one of the twin towers, and the radio said it was an accident. Then afterwards there came a news update saying that another plane had crashed into the second tower, so it was a terrorist attack. Then news that one tower had collapsed, then the second one had collapsed, then the pentagon had been hit, then a fourth plane had crashed in Pennsylvania.


Usually the radio was just background that I ignored, as it tended to play Bryan Adams songs and other drivel all day. On this day though I was transfixed by it. The thing I remember most clearly is a soundbite from a passerby outside the WTC who was crying "People are throwing themselves out of the windows! Oh my god, oh my god, they're jumping out of the windows!" Although we didn't have any pictures of the attack, that really bought home just how serious it was.


We finished work at 4pm as usual and as soon as my friend Steve dropped me off, I ran home and switched BBC News 24 on.



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My husbands friend was in one of the towers the day before. and had come home on the eve of sept 10th.


My Uncle and Aunty were on the viewing deck of one of the Towers the day before.


Their flight home left JFK just before the first planes were hijacked.

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I was on a beach in Ibiza with my friends two months into a gap year when someone got a text saying someone had flown a plane into the WTC. I don't think we really took it in at all, I think we stayed at the beach for most of the day but when we got back to the villa and turned on the TV we saw what had happened via the Spanish TV news tho we couldn't understand much of what they were saying.


It was really shocking.. I called my Dad and at the time he thought 50,000 or so people had died when the towers collapsed - I remember feeling very scared about what might happen next.

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