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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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I was working in a cafe in Ibiza, a girl came in and asked if we knew what had happened in America because she had received a text. All the workers and customers went to a bar further down the promonarde to watch sky on their outside TV, I can remember it was crazy, all these people stopping and looking why everyone was gathered outside this particular bar, noone was talking, just watching the screens in disbelief.


Just seen Anne23 was in Ibiza too.

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I was in Sheffield shopping, my uncle phoned me asking where I was. I was in TJ Hughesand he said "go upstairs and look at the televisions, planes have flown into the twin towers." I ran upstairs to the electrical department, you couldn't get to the televisions there was a huge crowd around them. Anyway managed to see what was happening and was just appalled, couldn't believe it. Then he phoned me back and said "Did you see it? Right, get back home now it's only a matter of time before we're hit" I wanted to come home anyway, not because I was scared but just didn't know what to do. I got home and they had collapsed.

I had been taping a film that afternoon and the channel broke into a newsflash about the towers, so have it as it happened. I still have the tape can't think about taping over it, don't know why. I read a post from one lady who watched the following news with the sound down or just read the updates, I did exactly the same.

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I went on holiday to new york before 9/11

I rememeber on a rainly day walking between the twin towers on a sunday morning and photographing them not able to see the top


It was an amazing experience

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I went on holiday to new york before 9/11

I rememeber on a rainly day walking between the twin towers on a sunday morning and photographing them not able to see the top


It was an amazing experience


i did the same, some years ago.

I walked down to wall street past the twins. The tops of which were hidden by the 'lowish' clouds.


It was amazing

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