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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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I was at a mates business premises & i thought America deserved it,after wading into other countries and physically and militarially messing up economies for their own financial gain meant it was going to come at some point from some organisation or other & i don't think thats the last attack they're going to experience either. But somebody needs to teach em a lesson

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I was at a mates business premises & i thought America deserved it,after wading into other countries and physically and militarially messing up economies for their own financial gain meant it was going to come at some point from some organisation or other & i don't think thats the last attack they're going to experience either. But somebody needs to teach em a lesson



At least you have picked a suitable name for yourself:evil:

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I was building PC's at work listening to the radio when the first reports of a 'light aircraft' having crashed into one of the towers came through. One of my best friends who works for Morgan Stanley had been seconded to New York for training in one of the towers, so I quickly excused myself and legged it home to switch News 24 on just in time to see the first tower collapsing in on itself. Not withstanding that I had no idea whether he was alive or not, the thing I couldn't get my head around was just how BIG this was as an event. One of those events that you implicitly understand is going to change the world forever. It just wouldn't fit in my tiny mind. As I think someone mentioned before the fact that it looked like a film but you knew it was real, with real people dieing and being broadcast live, that just blew me away. Truly the ultimate testament to our consumptive TV generation. I knew then that however many people had already died, a lot more were now going to follow and that the world was going to hell in a handbag. My friend was lucky enough to have been working in one of the surrounding buildings in the Trade Centre complex and saw the second plane hit first hand. He's a lucky bugger though. In following years he was in the bar the night before the Bali bombings and in the recent 7/11 attacks, one of the bus bombs went off 100m from his house. Each time sending his friends into a communicative meltdown.

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I was at a mates business premises & i thought America deserved it


Thousands of people deserved to die a horrible death because of what their government's done? I don't think so. Did the people who died in the London bombs deserve that too, because of what our government's done?


Obviously you're a fool and an idiot.

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I arrived at my mums work after being at college that morning. People were talking about a plane hitting a trade building in America... at that point people thought it was a tragic accident... and then, while watching... the second plane hit.


Everything then ground to a hault in the office and nothing got done for the rest of the day....


I can't explain how i felt when they collapsed. I cried everytime i saw footage on the news. It haunts me to this day what it must have been like for people actually in the buildings.


Not nice at all.....

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My friend was lucky enough to have been working in one of the surrounding buildings in the Trade Centre complex and saw the second plane hit first hand. He's a lucky bugger though. In following years he was in the bar the night before the Bali bombings and in the recent 7/11 attacks, one of the bus bombs went off 100m from his house. Each time sending his friends into a communicative meltdown.


Not that this is at all funny, but this made me think of the film Final Destination and cheating death.... someone up there must like him!

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I was at work with my walkman on just listened to a news flash to say that another aircraft had hit the second tower. My facial expression changed someone asked me what had happened . I told him that another aircraft had hit the second tower (we knew about the first one) he told me that I must had miss heard. I was then on my way home around 215pm when classic fm had a news flash - very rare for this station - and confirmed the towers plus a plance crash at Washington DC. I txt this to a mate who was on holiday on a train on snowdon behind him were some americans who during the journey up snowden became stranded in the UK as all flights were stopped.

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