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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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on a train going down to exeter to see then girlf


did a neurosci module at uni about this when i was a student - apparently high stress intensity situations help you remember vivid details of where you were at the time...the more stressful the situation, the more you will remember what you were doing. Cant for the life of me remember what that phenomenon is called - obviously wasnt that stressed at uni!

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Originally Posted by Cuckoo Brain

I was at a mates business premises & i thought America deserved it,after wading into other countries and physically and militarially messing up economies for their own financial gain meant it was going to come at some point from some organisation or other & i don't think thats the last attack they're going to experience either. But somebody needs to teach em a lesson


so the 3000 innocent people who died deserved it????




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I was in the back of a taxi on the way to a work meeting when the initial new flash came on the radio. It just said there had been a tragic accident and a plane had crashed into the tower. We commented how awful it was and went into the meeting. No-one there had heard anything. It wasn't until I came back from work and turned on the TV that I saw it. I sat stunned, in tears and the kids were terrified.

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Just been to New York, taking my mother-in-law for her first visit.

we went to Ground Zero to see what they were doing with the space, to be honest apart from the smell, the experience wasnt that different to our initial visit soon after 9/11


we were very moved by the experience


Thank you everyone for your comments on this thread

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I was actually watching TV (being a lazy student at the time!) and ended up congregating in a neighbours room watching what we couldn't believe was unfolding on TV. I thought things couldn't get worse after the first plane, was totally devastated to see another hit.

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I was at home with my partner and two pre-school sons,we were building duplo towers when the tv progaramme stopped for a news break,it was really captivating news even to such young children who regrettably do see awful news footage fairly often.It was kind of unreal at the time ,a feeling of watching a movie of history in the making rather than considering the actual people and the devestaion caused to so many lives.It was - it sounds a bit sick now- but it was exciting television piecing all the different bits together and watching the second plane fly in to the towers live.Again it sounds a little sick and heartless,but we promptly built a duplo aeroplane and knocked down our towers,then did it again with taller towers,and watched the news for the rest of the day.A very deffinate feeling of something seriosly significant is happening here right before our eyes.I can't help feeling Bush had something to do with it,but thats just a gut feeling I've had from that day(no idea about all the conspiracy theorys that have been aired on tv.)

A very sad day for so many ,and it did seem to make the whole world a bit more wary of other races,and since then I admit I have felt more wary of people who "look" like terrorists!(stereo typically-asian toned skin,black beard and rucksack full of exposives-apparantly!)Just the other day I was in town on a bus and a guy answering this description was sat a couple of seats behind me ,talking on his mobile"and I heard him say"I'm in Sheffield now,what do you want me to do" and even this made me a bit nervous,for a few moments expecting the bus to get blown up any sec!Obviosly all was fine and (like I knew anyway,at the time) was just being ridiculously paranoid,but thats what events like this do to us.

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I'd actually finished a long shift at the hospital I was working at in Saudi Arabia..... not a great place to be at that time. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, at first I thought it was a movie. It was even worse the next day back at work when a small number of my Saudi colleagues were openly condoning this awful atrocity. For the majority it was terrible.

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I was sat at my desk at Traveline and someone mentioned it on the phone to one of us, so they immediately went on the internet. I just remember asking someone what the twin towers were, and what the Pentagon was as I had never heard of them so didn't quite understand... until I saw the pictures on the internet I didn't realise quite how serious it was.. just never thought anything like this could happen.


What I did find strange is that the calls suddenly stopped for a couple of hours. We were only getting about one call every ten minutes... unlike several every minute.. just goes to show how much it affected everyone.


I agree with what many have said though - I remember it like yesterday.


That night I also went to Grimsby to watch Sheff United play... remember seeing a plane going into land at Humberside Airport.. and pretty much feeling sick seeing this plane in the air going into land - I know that sounds stupid but as they'd grounded everything you just didn't know what to think

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