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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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I was in manchester just finnishing school when i found out, my teacher turned on the tv in the classroom to watch the news but i couldn't stop because i had to go to work.

When i got to work i watched the news from the staff room and couldn't believe it.

The strangest bit was that when i finally got round to doing some work a middle aged business woman came in,she was really really upset and in shock, it took her about 2 minutes to ask for a cup of tea because she was stuttering and shaking so much, she was absolutely covered in thick dust like she had just been stood near the twin towers when they fell. I have no idea what had just happened to her as she left as soon as she got her tea.

It really was the most surreal experience of my life.

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I guess the question is similar to the one my mother used to say "where were you when Kennedy was shot?"


you seem to rememeber those amazing history-busting awfull moments !!


I was in Hillsborough, wynyard road arguing with my partner about a skip

we watched open mouthed to what happened for it seemed like hours


I will always rememeber it


I was at work here in Maidenhead, we went to a pub to watch it on the News - every pub had it on.


Went to New York Jan 2004 - still a very moving place even then.

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I was at work and didn't hear about it until I was on my way home and switched on the radio. They we're discussing what had happened and they mentioned about the 1st plane hitting and then the 2nd and when the said about the 3rd, I was thinking ' OMG what the hell has happened' It wasn't until I got home and watched the news that I realised what had actually happened.

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I was sat at my desk at Traveline and someone mentioned it on the phone to one of us, so they immediately went on the internet. I just remember asking someone what the twin towers were, and what the Pentagon was as I had never heard of them so didn't quite understand... until I saw the pictures on the internet I didn't realise quite how serious it was.. just never thought anything like this could happen.


What I did find strange is that the calls suddenly stopped for a couple of hours. We were only getting about one call every ten minutes... unlike several every minute.. just goes to show how much it affected everyone.


I agree with what many have said though - I remember it like yesterday.


That night I also went to Grimsby to watch Sheff United play... remember seeing a plane going into land at Humberside Airport.. and pretty much feeling sick seeing this plane in the air going into land - I know that sounds stupid but as they'd grounded everything you just didn't know what to think


Thinking about it too.. Sheffield Interchange was evacuated the day after as there was a shoebox left in the Interchange unattended - it all got cordoned off, buses diverted out of there and the lot - you might call it an over-reaction but I remember thinking at the time "jeez, this is really happening" Alright yes the box had shoes in it - but you just thought "this is really happening"

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