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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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I was having a carpet fitted and restricted to the kitchen, when i turned the TV on, i honestly thought it was a film, couldnt believe it when i found out i was watching 'real time'.



Edited by pinklady
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was at work. remember one of the lads saying his mate had phoned to say what was happening so we all tied to get on the internet to take a look but none of us could get on. we got a running commentary of what wa happening off the lad's mate. worse thing for me was my other half and our one year old son were actually airbourne at that very time, flying back from visiting the in-laws. It was scary and when they landed at Manchester at 1pm the missus phoned to say they'd landed and she couldn't understand why I sounded so happy. While they were flying they had no idea what was happening and she wouldn't believe it when I told her on the phone.

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I was at work and my boss's daughter phoned and told him so we all piled into the break room to watch the news. i've been to new york twice - before and after and its eerie going to the site now. its just a big gaping hole in the ground. it was the only place in the whole city where there was silence. sounds corny but i don't think i'll forget the wierd atmosphere anytime soon

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I was on site bricklaying when we heard of the first impact on the radio. I'd never previously heard of the Twin Towers, or their magnitude prior to the disaster.

We had had the radio on as usual when the reports of the first impact had occured.

I remember saying something along the lines of "bet someones for the chop for that", believing a airtraffic control mistake.

Then came the reports of the second impact and we knew something was drastically wrong.

All the lads sat around the radio that afternoon, (including the gaffer) not a word spoken, untill it was time for home.

I went straight to the pub from work and sat and watched the footage in numb belief.

Strange thing was that a mate of mine was stood on one of the WTC roofs the day before! He was on holiday! I guess lucky ain't in it.

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