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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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I was at work


"a plane has crashed into the WTC" was the first I heard of it. CNN, BBC news sites etc crashed with the amount of hits they were taking.


The most poignant thing of the whole day for me was the emergency "Question Time" that was held later that evening which basically concluded that "well, America deserved it"


Astonishing TV given the gravity of the situation.

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I guess the question is similar to the one my mother used to say "where were you when Kennedy was shot?"


you seem to rememeber those amazing history-busting awfull moments !!


I was in Hillsborough, wynyard road arguing with my partner about a skip

we watched open mouthed to what happened for it seemed like hours


I will always rememeber it


I was painting my son's bedroom when it came on the radio. When I went downstrairs and put the t.v on I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was like watching a movie, it just didn't seem real. I still feel like that now when I see footage of it on telly.

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I have to admit I became a little bit obsessed with the whole thing. As tragic as it obviously was, it still remains one of the most spectacular things I have ever witnessed. I was up the WTC earlier that year and the concept of them collapsing the way they did is just mind boggling.




There is a programme on Monday night at 9pm about the only survivors from in the building, all of whom were in the same stair well which somehow provided some sort or protection.


I wonder if someone can explain this for me then??


I watched ''The Miracle of Stairway B'' on Channel 4 last night and of all the firefighters taking part in the program not one of them mentioned the name...

Richard Picciotto???? This firefighter wrote the book 'Last Man Down'' about this very event!! So why did he not feature in the show if he wrote the book.... :huh::confused:

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