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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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I was at home washing the clothes from our 2 week holiday in Mexico ....I felt sick just stared at the television mouth open watching it live....


We had flown over New York the night previous Sunday 10th - (apparently caught the crosswinds back from mexico as it is quicker) :suspect:


Very sad day x:(

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I was at home and heard the initial report on the radio, - switched on the TV to see people throwing themselves out of windows and watched the rest of it in a kind of numbed and incredulous daze.


Still feel sick in the stomach when I see snippets of it replayed on TV now, - couldn't watch it again.

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i was in the park with my son.my sis phoned me and told me about the crashes but i did'nt really think about it as she has a tendency to over exaggerate things.

It wasn't until i got home and switched the tv on that i saw for myself how bad things were (sorry sis).

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