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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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  • 16 years later...

Re: post 293 above.  22nd anniversary today. 


Today's date has totally passed me by until I've just seen a live news feed from a memorial service coming from New York. 


The World as a whole certainly seems a more unstable, uncertain & fractured place for numerous reasons, than it did on the previous evening of 10th September 2001.

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i was at work and most of office staff gathered to watch it on a screen.

i remember seeing a buildig fall down that didnt get hit, a building fall down about 40 minutes after it was reported to have been destroyed and was visible in the background while the news report was going on and one of the worlds most secure buildings get "hit" by a plane with no cctv footage or wreckage of it


guess it was made of the same material that the towers were made of and just vapourised

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25 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I was working in Leeds at the time, and just commuting to my job over there.

I was on a day off, popped into the White Lion at Heeley for an afternoon pint. 


Went to the bar where there were a couple of other customers & the barmaid all watching the tv.  Nobody said anything to me.  I glanced at the tv & thought the 3 of them were watching one of those US mid-afternoon, second rate, made for tv films.  Got my pint & went & sat down. 


10 - 15 mins later, heard one say, "****** hell!  The other tower's been hit with a plane." 

Edited by Baron99
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Watched them fall on the TV in a neighbours house.   We had just returned from another neighbour's  funeral at the local church.

Never seen  anything so horrible in my entire life.


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I was in Sheffield city centre and heard about the first plane hitting on the car radio. The only information they gave was " a plane ".

Back in September 1979 I had been on a weeks business/pleasure visit to New York and on our final night Ademco-Sontrix  the company we were guests of wined and dined us in the Windows on the World  restaurant on the 107th floor of the World Trade Centre.


Fantastic views over Manhattan , Brooklyn and Jersey. While we were there a single engine small plane flew beneath us and up Manhattan.

When I heard about the first plane I assumed some old guy - about my age now - had had a heart attack while piloting his plane and crashed into the tower.

On the way back home I heard of the second plane and realised something terrible was going on.

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I was in the lounge with one of my sons watching TV,  I must have missed the first plane which the newsreader was talking about when we saw the second plane fly straight into the building,  I thought it was a clip from something else,  horrific,  and the poor people that were shown at their windows,  helpless.

Edited by cressida
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