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Drunk Man burns 15 year old Poppy Seller

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A 15-year-old Army cadet who was selling poppies for Remembrance Day suffered burns to his face in an attack with a lit aerosol can.


Greater Manchester Police said the offender, described as black or Asian, 5ft 8in tall and wearing a dark hooded top, then walked off without saying a word.

He appeared to be under the influence of alcohol and was staggering, the force added.

Now I don't want to see this thread go into a racist thread. But it's disgusting that ANYONE would do this sort of thing, drunk or otherwise to someone.


This would never have happened if hoodies and alcohol had been banned.

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What an evil thing to do to a young lad.


There is an army cadet place on Barnsley road up the side of the sportsman pub that also has a mosque next to it.

No cadets have ever been abused or insulted afaik and I think it is a good example of integration having a pub, mosque and army cadet place all next to each other.


True, and good.


I thought cadets had been instructed since a while now not to wear uniform on our streets for their own safety?

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There is an army cadet place on Barnsley road up the side of the sportsman pub that also has a mosque next to it.

No cadets have ever been abused or insulted afaik and I think it is a good example of integration having a pub, mosque and army cadet place all next to each other.


More an example of different cultures co-locating than an example of integration. The Muslims will be in the Mosque and non-Muslims in the pub and in the cadets.


Let's hope it was just a drunk idiot and not religiously motivated idiot.

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