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Abuse enquiry -Fiona Wolfe stands down

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Second "epic fail" from "The Establishment"....

Personally I think Lib Dem Norman Baker would be a good man for the job , read his book about the strange death of David Kelly the weapons inspector and was very impressed .


The man is like a terrier digging for facts and trying to get to the truth , we are still waiting for the Hutton Report , a joke.


I am not a Lib Dem but the fact that we can't find anyone who isn't Establishment tells me all I need to know about the state of this country .


Has anyone else got any suggestions about who would be suitable to conduct this enquiry??

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Taking some words for a recently lengthy radio discussion on this subject, lets start small on this.


Firstly what exactly is "Establishment" and what defines who is in or connected to it.


Bear in mind that this investigation is covering not only government but also social services, police forces, medical staff and anyone else who could be possibly connected there is a big big chance that whoever you pick and whatever background they are from they will be accused of being part of said "Establishment"


An investigation like this cannot be conducted by any tom dick or harry off the street and therefore is likely to require a practicing or ex MP / Minister / Lawyer / Judge / Chief Exec or Chief Justice.


Lawyers for example have to registered and have alliance the Law Society which is turn provides their conduct code through the SRA which is controlled by the government.


Senior Judges are sitting in the High Court with many either already being or likely to become Law Lords sitting in said house of lords which is part of the government.


Ex Chief Constables are formerly part of police services, controlled by the Home Office which is controlled by the Government.


....see where this is going.


Whoever they pick SOMEONE will not be satisfied. The Media will poke, prod and hound them into revealing every single aspect of their professional and private lives and if any (even remote) link is found to anyone or anything that could be seen as "Establishment" they will be forced to stand down.


I personally cant ever see this investigation getting started.

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What about Professor Alexis Jay who has recently investigated child sexual exploitation, or Jim Gamble former head of CEOP?


I didn't think there was much wrong with a Lord mayor of London who was a former head of the law society. It's as if people don't want this to get off the ground.....

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I didn't think there was much wrong with a Lord mayor of London who was a former head of the law society. It's as if people don't want this to get off the ground.....


It was just on the news that the enquiry is still going ahead, there is a panel doing some of the preparatory work....Just not a chair, at the moment. I'm sure there are quite a few low lives in high places who would like nothing more than the enquiry not to go ahead! I think Fiona Woolf was seen as too much of an establishment booby with links to Leon Brittan. Butler Sloss or Woolf, just didn't command the credibility of survivors of abuse - some of whom were abused by members of the establishment


But surely we need not look abroad for an arbitor ??


No we shouldn't need to look abroad - there are a number of suitable candidates. Plus the fact that other countries have different legal systems to ours, perhaps that would be an added complication of having someone not from this country

Edited by Mister M
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No we shouldn't need to look abroad - there are a number of suitable candidates. Plus the fact that other countries have different legal systems to ours, perhaps that would be an added complication of having someone not from this country


Who for example??


Its very difficult picking one qualified enough but who is not seen by the masses and particularly the media as being part of the "establishment" in some tenuous way.


Actually I think the comment about seeking someone from abroad is actually a good idea. Law and legal systems are very similar in lots of countries, especially our own Commonwealth Nations. It would certainly make life a lot easier to avoid conflicts and people from abroad have successfully been brought in before such as the current gov of the Bank of England.

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Taking some words for a recently lengthy radio discussion on this subject, lets start small on this.


Firstly what exactly is "Establishment" and what defines who is in or connected to it.


Bear in mind that this investigation is covering not only government but also social services, police forces, medical staff and anyone else who could be possibly connected there is a big big chance that whoever you pick and whatever background they are from they will be accused of being part of said "Establishment"


An investigation like this cannot be conducted by any tom dick or harry off the street and therefore is likely to require a practicing or ex MP / Minister / Lawyer / Judge / Chief Exec or Chief Justice.


Lawyers for example have to registered and have alliance the Law Society which is turn provides their conduct code through the SRA which is controlled by the government.


Senior Judges are sitting in the High Court with many either already being or likely to become Law Lords sitting in said house of lords which is part of the government.


Ex Chief Constables are formerly part of police services, controlled by the Home Office which is controlled by the Government.


....see where this is going.


Whoever they pick SOMEONE will not be satisfied. The Media will poke, prod and hound them into revealing every single aspect of their professional and private lives and if any (even remote) link is found to anyone or anything that could be seen as "Establishment" they will be forced to stand down.


I personally cant ever see this investigation getting started.


I think you've hit the nail on the head.


Considering the paedophile ring in question may encompass not only politicians, but the top drawer of every establishment with power and influence in this country right the way up to royalty, it's going to be very hard to find anyone with the right credentials who isn't linked in some way to at least one of the people under investigation.


It goes to show what a very small and rarified world it is at the top, and just how endemic corruption is these days.


Thank god we have a weapon to begin a fight back in the internet. Soon these people will realise that by joining the dots, very little can be kept hidden these days.


No doubt they hope an enquiry can be delayed until everyone has forgotten about it and it goes away. So we have to keep it in the news. We don't want to wait another thirty years with children being abused because no one acted.

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