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Abuse enquiry -Fiona Wolfe stands down

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It was just on the news that the enquiry is still going ahead, there is a panel doing some of the preparatory work....Just not a chair, at the moment. I'm sure there are quite a few low lives in high places who would like nothing more than the enquiry not to go ahead! I think Fiona Woolf was seen as too much of an establishment booby with links to Leon Brittan. Butler Sloss or Woolf, just didn't command the credibility of survivors of abuse - some of whom were abused by members of the establishment




No we shouldn't need to look abroad - there are a number of suitable candidates. Plus the fact that other countries have different legal systems to ours, perhaps that would be an added complication of having someone not from this country


The links to brittan were tenuous. But for someone to do this job they need to a high level something - ideally lawyer but I'd take someone else who is exceptional in a suitable field. But this high level someone can't have had contact with mps, high up coppers and the establishment (what ever that is) SINCE 1970 TO THE PRESENT DAY. That's going to be a very very short list.

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Who for example??


Its very difficult picking one qualified enough but who is not seen by the masses and particularly the media as being part of the "establishment" in some tenuous way.


Actually I think the comment about seeking someone from abroad is actually a good idea. Law and legal systems are very similar in lots of countries, especially our own Commonwealth Nations. It would certainly make life a lot easier to avoid conflicts and people from abroad have successfully been brought in before such as the current gov of the Bank of England.


Michael Mansfield has been mentioned - he's a very senior and maverick lawyer who has been involved with a number of cases which have brought him into conflict with the establishment

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Michael Mansfield has been mentioned - he's a very senior and maverick lawyer who has been involved with a number of cases which have brought him into conflict with the establishment


He is.


Unfortunately we have to think like the uneducated masses here and the manipulating media and think how they think.


Queens Counsel as appointed by the Crown, A member of the Haldane Society (currently chaired by a former labour politician), A member of the Honorable Society of Grays Inn one of the four historical and prestigious Inns of Court.


"establishment" "establishment" "establishment"


Now working in the profession myself I know that none of the above would necessarily prejudice anything about Mansfield but we know that's not how people think.

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I didn't think there was much wrong with a Lord mayor of London who was a former head of the law society. It's as if people don't want this to get off the ground.....


If Butler-Sloss and Fiona Wolfe were the paragons of integrity that we are constantly told they are, then both of them would have refused the offer to head the enquiry because of their relationships with people who are being 'accused' of, at best being negligent in their duties and worst complicit in the whole disgusting scandal.

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If Butler-Sloss and Fiona Wolfe were the paragons of integrity that we are constantly told they are, then both of them would have refused the offer to head the enquiry because of their relationships with people who are being 'accused' of, at best being negligent in their duties and worst complicit in the whole disgusting scandal.


I certainly think that Fiona Woolf was, at best, naive to think that her 'tenuous' links with Britton didn't disbar her from the job. If cosha, then I don't think she unerstood the pressure she could have come under, or the extent of the corruption she was expected either to find or cover up.


My vote goes to Michael Mansfield too.

If he was good enough for Mohmmed Al Fayed, (he lost, but it wasn't a trial it was an inquest and different rules apply, so he was fighting with one hand tied behind his back,)....he's good enough for me.

Edited by Anna B
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Most level-headed people would suspect the whole fiasco is being deliberately sabotaged. Apart from one or two people suspected of the child abuse in the 1980s who have died, most of them are still active and I’m pretty sure the tories will go out of their way to avoid an investigation, especially in the run-up to the election. I wonder who the next strawman puppet will be?

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I see the tories having failed to sabotage Operation Fernbridge are now desperately trying to merge-bury the investigation into Operation Yewtree, no doubt with the intention of lessoning the impact of Operation Fernbridge in the run-up to the election. Is there nothing this despicable gang of cronies will stop at? It’s even worse than the news which broke last week that they wanted to pardon British jihadists returning from Iraq and Syria.

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I see the tories having failed to sabotage Operation Fernbridge are now desperately trying to merge-bury the investigation into Operation Yewtree, no doubt with the intention of lessoning the impact of Operation Fernbridge in the run-up to the election. Is there nothing this despicable gang of cronies will stop at? It’s even worse than the news which broke last week that they wanted to pardon British jihadists returning from Iraq and Syria.


Where is our free press in all this?

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