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Abuse enquiry -Fiona Wolfe stands down

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It was just on the news that the enquiry is still going ahead, there is a panel doing some of the preparatory work....Just not a chair, at the moment. I'm sure there are quite a few low lives in high places who would like nothing more than the enquiry not to go ahead! I think Fiona Woolf was seen as too much of an establishment booby with links to Leon Brittan. Butler Sloss or Woolf, just didn't command the credibility of survivors of abuse - some of whom were abused by members of the establishment




No we shouldn't need to look abroad - there are a number of suitable candidates. Plus the fact that other countries have different legal systems to ours, perhaps that would be an added complication of having someone not from this country


On the surface, her apparent change to her recollection of dinner with Leon Britten - from being alone to being with 4 others - looked very suspicious.

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Where is our free press in all this?


Leveson that's where, the government is trying to control the press for it's own political needs. It's not just the press either but social media.




---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 07:33 ----------


Here's further evidence Operation Fernbridge is trying to be covered up http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29945956


---------- Post added 11-11-2014 at 07:40 ----------


There is to be a statement realeased today about Operation Fernbridge, which few people have even heard of let alone know about - Very few media companies have published the police investigation's actual name. I'm expecting a cover up but perhaps not a total whitewash as it would make people even more suspicious. Maybe that's why the government is trying to control the media and have tried to dumb down media speculation with the likes of Operation Yewtree and even tried to blend the two.



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