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Germany fires warning to britain over migration reform

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It's all just political posturing, we're not going to leave the EU and they don't want us to, but they'll still have a war of words over it.


If we got our benefits system in order then it wouldn't look anywhere near as attractive to come here as it currently does.

Pay-in, Pay-out I think.


Doesn't Germany operate a system like that anyway??

Edited by geared
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Merkel today has blasted Cameron for trying to change migration policy within eu.
She hasn't "blasted" Cameron, she (influenced as she is by her own home politics) has stated Germany's view on Cameron's proposals to curb free movement: don't touch, or GTFO. If the UK exits, it's pretty much win-win for Germany in real terms, so it's not as if she'd care much either way.

Shouldn't we control our own borders? And decide how many and who enters the country?
If the UK wants that and nothing less, then it should get out of the EU, pure and simple. With all the consequences that entails, however good and however bad.


Alternatively, if the UK is minded to act rationally and with a longer view than to the end of its political nose, then as suggested above it could start changing things at home to make itself less attractive from the outside. This 'image' being a core problem (insofar as immigration is concerned) not only intra-EU abut also extra-EU.

Edited by L00b
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I heard them talking about that on radio four, we are the only country in the EU that do not have a contribution based benefit system.


We are a soft touch, immigrants know it, hence the reason they land on our shores in thier thousands. a pay in brfore paying ot system must be brought in to stop them taking us for mugs. Personally I would adopt a system where no one is allowed into this country unless they already have a gaurenteed job to come too. No job, no e try. Its time we toughened up where immigration is concerned, and stop being taken for a ride.

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Cameron will NOT agree immigration controls with the EU exactly as Merkel says (although it was an EU decision and not hers).

She would accept our leaving the EU?? Who the hell is she? She doesn't run the EU although she think she does.

If you looking for a referendum ion 2017 as Cameron says - you not on this planet 'cos it won't happen!


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Contribution based or not, net migration of 150000 per year can't work. What about our grads and workers? How do they find work in such a crowded jobs market.

In 10 years that will be a minimum of another 1.5milion either claiming benefits or claiming jobs.


It might be an idea to say we are going to impose restrictions on migration, for 10 years until we get this sorted and under control.

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Cameron is desperate to win back votes from UKIP using immigration as a fear tool. It wouldn't surprise me if the UK was kicked out of Europe and I guess nobody could blame the UK. I guess that would suit some people ... until it hits home

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We are a soft touch, immigrants know it, hence the reason they land on our shores in thier thousands. a pay in brfore paying ot system must be brought in to stop them taking us for mugs. Personally I would adopt a system where no one is allowed into this country unless they already have a gaurenteed job to come too. No job, no e try. Its time we toughened up where immigration is concerned, and stop being taken for a ride.


Tbh im inclined to agree. Immigration is out of control. Not so bad if we are creating loads of jobs but we arent.

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We are a soft touch, immigrants know it, hence the reason they land on our shores in thier thousands. a pay in brfore paying ot system must be brought in to stop them taking us for mugs. Personally I would adopt a system where no one is allowed into this country unless they already have a gaurenteed job to come too. No job, no e try. Its time we toughened up where immigration is concerned, and stop being taken for a ride.


How would you stop people entering the UK illegally? What about students?

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