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Germany fires warning to britain over migration reform

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Like most of my friends I worked and lived in Europe before and after we joined the EU and for me life became much easier after we joined. I was involved in scientific research and after joining the movement of equipment and people became so much easier, all the reams of paper work and customs duty disappeared overnight. Later I set up my own business, with some help with funding from the EU, I personalty have a lot to thank the EU for. Now I am approaching my dotage I was even thinking of moving over to one of the warmer parts of the EU to spend my winters and money, maybe not a good idea now.


Me too, lived and worked in 12 eu countries.

Geo arbitrage not a bad idea right now. Doesnt help the uk much tho.

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Why should membership to the EU be free?


No, better yet, they get paid to be members.


Haven't you just contradicted yourself..you say that membership must be paid for yet it's "better still" that some countries have a net gain from the EU.

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Haven't you just contradicted yourself..you say that membership must be paid for yet it's "better still" that some countries have a net gain from the EU.
You missed a bit of irony (or was that gallows' humour) in tzijlstra's posts, methinks... ;)


Haven't we had this thread a few times over already?

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Merkel today has blasted Cameron for trying to change migration policy within eu.

With net migration at 3 to 1 Isn't it time we reassesed our involvement with the eu. Shouldn't we control our own borders? And decide how many and who enters the country?


Yes, yes and yes.

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There are parallels here with the Scotish referendum.

Cameron promised a referendum asking the question do you want in or out of the UK.

He delivered the promised referendum.

Now he is promising a similar referendum on EU membership.


12 months ago when the No campaign in Scotland had a 20 point lead in the polls no one took a blind bit of notice. But as polling day approached and the Yes campaign looked like it might carry the day politicians emerged from the cracks in the pavements promising everything the Scots ever wanted.


If the EU offers us genuine reforn then I'll vote to stay in. If not I'll vote to come out. So far the Merkells are talking tough. Let's see how tough they talk when we start dusting off the Navy Blue passports.

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