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Does Sheffield Council support Israeli occupation


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I was most annoyed because Sainsburys didn't have Jaffa oranges on the shelves today I hope they haven't joined in this silly boycott.


The world is upside down, the company that makes Jaffa Cakes has been sold to the Turks. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/nov/03/united-biscuits-jaffa-cakes-mcvities-yildiz-two-billion-deal

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As one of the many people who doesn't take sides in the whole "It's their fault, no it's their fault" between Israelis and Palestinians (I see them as bad as each other), I couldn't really care about this or whether Sainsbury's sell Jaffa oranges.....I'll buy them if I like them. :)





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As one of the many people who doesn't take sides in the whole "It's their fault, no it's their fault" between Israelis and Palestinians (I see them as bad as each other), I couldn't really care about this or whether Sainsbury's sell Jaffa oranges.....I'll buy them if I like them. :)






To make things even more confusing, Jaffa oranges are grown in Spain not Israel anymore.

"Tal Amit, Israel’s Citrus Marketing Board director reassured: Jaffa is still in our hands. “We’re leasing the brand to the Spanish,” he explained. “Israel is producing fewer and fewer oranges, but we wish to keep our brand going strong, and in Britain it’s very popular.”


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Still not withdrawing from the light railway, which is one of the things the op is complaining about.


Probably quite difficult to sell something that's toxic to European companies.


sucker: "And why are you selling this?"

veolia "It's lost us millions of pounds worth of contracts"

sucker: "pass"

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To make things even more confusing, Jaffa oranges are grown in Spain not Israel anymore.

"Tal Amit, Israel’s Citrus Marketing Board director reassured: Jaffa is still in our hands. “We’re leasing the brand to the Spanish,” he explained. “Israel is producing fewer and fewer oranges, but we wish to keep our brand going strong, and in Britain it’s very popular.”



I didn't know that, what a shame, they used to be the sweetest juiciest oranges. :(

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It seems that Sheffield city council indirectly support the Israeli Occupation of Gazza and the West Bank ??



French multinational Veolia helps to operate the illegal Jerusalem Light Rail that facilitates the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements and owns a landfill site in an illegal Israeli settlement


http://www.whoprofits.org/company/veolia-environnement http://www.globalexchange.org/economicactivism/veolia/victories - See more at: http://www.bdsmovement.net/2014/kuwait-to-boycott-50-companies-12770#sthash.pdiTK8DM.dpuf


if we want to be pedantic look into a lot of international companies i bet they supply a lot of countrys that arent fantastic if thats all your bothered about i feel sorry for you then

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