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Does Sheffield Council support Israeli occupation


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I was most annoyed because Sainsburys didn't have Jaffa oranges on the shelves today I hope they haven't joined in this silly boycott.


Jaffa was a Arab town ethnically cleansed by Israel. Over 90% got out kicked out and the remaining few are still being persecuted.


In June 1948 Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion wrote in his diary: “Jaffa will be a Jewish city. War is war.” Less than a year later he reported to the Israeli parliament that 45,000 new Jewish immigrants had been settled in the city’s “abandoned” homes.


Whatever side of the coin you are....Jaffa brand is not only stolen property but are blood oranges!


Enjoy your Jaffa :)

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do you not have anything better to worry about OP?


Just imagine you're in Gaza, your windows and walls in your flat are blown out, you cannot get glass or bricks to repair it, your children are hungry because of the sanctions and fishing ban, loads of your friends and relatives have been killed and maimed, you're scared that Hamas will pop into your garden fire off a few rockets and then disappear making you a prime target for the Israeli artillery a few miles away. Drones and F16 are constantly overhead. You've friends and relations a short distance away but because of travel bans you have not seen them in years. You cannot see any way out.

Yet the question that eats away at you is "Does Sheffield Council support the Israeli occupation"

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Most people in the country support Israel in the conflict. They're not as vocal but they do.


Most people in the world do not support Israel! This is not a conflict or war...its just pure murder of civilians mainly children. Israel own the media and the politicians.


Britain is not a free country as its run by Muppets controlled by foreign states :)


---------- Post added 22-11-2014 at 21:50 ----------


Oh! what a beautiful world. Why can't EVERYONE just enjoy it?


if you travel a bit you will see why...foreign policy guarantees hell on earth to benefit others....ask the Christians living in Syria!

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Most people in the world do not support Israel! This is not a conflict or war...its just pure murder of civilians mainly children. Israel own the media and the politicians.


Most people are wising up to the fact that its not one sided, Hamas are the instigators of most trouble.


There will never be a solution to the conflict it will go on until one side is obliterated..

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Hamas are not good, but they are not the main instigators. The main instigation is the illegal ocupation by FOREIGN jews (as opposed to indiginous Israelis) ; the ethnic cleansing of the local people.

The only solution now is a two state set up, but the West will not support anything which upsets their business agenda.

The people are cannon fodder for the Israelis, their western puppets and hamas too.

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Jaffa was a Arab town ethnically cleansed by Israel. Over 90% got out kicked out and the remaining few are still being persecuted.


In June 1948 Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion wrote in his diary: “Jaffa will be a Jewish city. War is war.” Less than a year later he reported to the Israeli parliament that 45,000 new Jewish immigrants had been settled in the city’s “abandoned” homes.


Whatever side of the coin you are....Jaffa brand is not only stolen property but are blood oranges!


Enjoy your Jaffa :)


Using the term "ethnically cleansed" is an insult to the Europeans Jews and other people who were "ethnically cleansed" by mass murder. I am old enough to have known Jews who escaped before 1939 or survived concentration camps. I can also remember the atrocities of the Stern Gang. I can understand even if I do not always agree with the fierce determination of Israelis to secure what they regard as their homeland. Israeli military might is far greater than that of their opponents but the latter bombard Israeli homes far more frequently.

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