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Is your car ready for winter?

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This will mean very different things from one driver to the next.

What does this mean to you?

What will you be doing/what do you do to prepare the car for Winter?


Maybe you leave it to chance/partner/servicing and play no active role in this?


Without such a question being posed, this sign could be pretty useless and uninformative.


My car has just had a full checkup. She was serviced recently so all fluids checked but non topped up. Ive had a full inspection of the underside and a waxol coating. Tyres are checked and ive had two changed. They had a fair amount of tread left but i wanted to be safe rather than sorry.

Brakes checked, Suspension checked, in fact everything was checked. All that cost me just £30 :)

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Oh no! My car's not ready! My screen wash is only half full and diluted so it'll freeze at -10C instead of -60C. I haven't done anything about my antifreeze and that's only good to -35C. I haven't fitted my winters yet either, I better get on and do it before the passes become snow bound. :shakes:


Oh wait, it's hardly even been below 0 yet this year and the long range forecast is for it to stay well above freezing for the next couple of weeks. Guess my Michelin's will have to do for now. Think I'll leave the sleeping bag, grit and shovel inside too. I'd be surprised if we see many cold days this winter the way things are going.


As far as screen wash goes I use the lidl ultimate speed stuff:


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snow-socks are in the car, thinking of picking up an army-shovel. Always have a 50/50 screenwash ratio, new tyres on the Volvo a few weeks ago, not bothered about the Jazz as when the going gets tough, the Volvo gets going.


I have a fluorescent vest in the cars at all times anyway and I am fat, so I don't need winter-clothing.


All good!

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snow-socks are in the car, thinking of picking up an army-shovel. Always have a 50/50 screenwash ratio, new tyres on the Volvo a few weeks ago, not bothered about the Jazz as when the going gets tough, the Volvo gets going.


I have a fluorescent vest in the cars at all times anyway and I am fat, so I don't need winter-clothing.


All good!

Good call on the hi Vis jacket and the snow socks. I think ill dig mine out of the garage and stick them in the boot. Thanks :)

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So, apart from a bit of banter, there's screenwash itself and a suggestion of a changed dilution level and winter wheels/tyres (for the affluent few?)



Why affluent few..? Admittedly the initial cost is there but remember while you have winter tyres on you're not wearing out the "ordinary ones".. so they'll last longer..

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So, apart from a bit of banter, there's screenwash itself and a suggestion of a changed dilution level and winter wheels/tyres (for the affluent few?)

Anything else? ... maybe light bulbs, window cleanliness (number plate), tyre condition, pressures, tread, vehicle servicing, warm clothes ...


Im not affluent. In fact with my commitments to bills, the kids and various charities im close to going into the red for this month. The tyres i got were not winter specific tyres. They are all weather tyres which do for me.

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