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Britain's richest MP forcing people from their homes!

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According to 'You and Yours' (BBC Radio 4,) since the cap on benefits, 30,000 people in London alone, have been made homeless or gone into hostel accommodation. I don't think sky high rents should be subsidised by taxpayers so landlords can line their pockets, I don't think they should be charging these inflated rents in the first place.


We're not talking about great 6 bedroomed mansions here, which the Daily Mail just love to feature alongside some hapless immigrant family, but small family homes.


If ordinary people, usually working, can't afford to rent even the most modest accommodation, what are they supposed to do?

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According to 'You and Yours' (BBC Radio 4,) since the cap on benefits, 30,000 people in London alone, have been made homeless or gone into hostel accommodation. I don't think sky high rents should be subsidised by taxpayers so landlords can line their pockets, I don't think they should be charging these inflated rents in the first place.


We're not talking about great 6 bedroomed mansions here, which the Daily Mail just love to feature alongside some hapless immigrant family, but small family homes.


If ordinary people, usually working, can't afford to rent even the most modest accommodation, what are they supposed to do?


According to some, they should just pack up and shove off. Doesn't matter where they go either.

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This is market rate we are are talking about. What is all this crap about "inflated" here.


If the market did not demand x amount they would not be able to sell them for x amount. Market demand reduces and so does the price.


YES quite rightly if these people cannot afford to live there any more then they should well "shove off" as some people have said and, just like everyone else in the REAL WORLD, find something cheaper. That's life.


Why the hell should society subsidise those for the convenience of living in Central London. Why the hell should private enterprise and even more a Investment Fund (which many of us "normal" people maybe a part of in some way) feel somehow morally obliged to keep people in their homes at a massively subsidised rate. They are not Social Services. They are not the Local Authority. When did some sort of moralistic duty of care become imposed on them?


I would have loved to have been able to afford to live in Central London myself when i worked down there but I couldn't. I had to find the best I could for the money I could afford and commute in. Just like many of my other fellow workers.


A quick search on a well known property site has just brought up over 1000 results for normal properties up to a max of £150k between 2-4 bedrooms. All of them were within 20 miles of Oxford Street. A similar search for private rentals of the same distance, similar size and up to a normal rental rate of up to max of £700 per month brings up nearly 800 results.


That's just one website. For one generic search. Over 1800 results of affordable private family properties all within a reasonable commute distance. If you add on all the smaller apartments and studios within those so called "affordable" brackets I bet the results would be more than double that - just on one listing site.


It more than possible for normal people on normal salaries to live and work in London. Millions of people do it. I should know because I used to be one of them. For the masses, it does of course mean a longer commute or a less desirable area. Isnt that the same in every other major city including Sheffield.


London is expensive yes - of course its gonna be. Its the Capital. But the whole way this "crisis" is blown out of all proportion is just getting ridiculous. Lets not forget that many of those so called "key workers" - as if they are in some way more important than the rest of the employed sectors - get a London weighting on top of their salary to go towards the supposed increased costs.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Read about 2 or 3 lines of that then caught the words "REAL WORLD" and decided that most of your rant would be rubbish.


You talked about mortgages, you need a BIG deposit for a mortgage. These people are renting. They might not have twenty grand in savings for a mortgage.

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Maybe you should read it again then... Didn't mention the word mortgage once.



A quick search on a well known property site has just brought up over 1000 results for normal properties up to a max of £150k between 2-4 bedrooms. All of them were within 20 miles of Oxford Street. A similar search for private rentals of the same distance, similar size and up to a normal rental rate of up to max of £700 per month brings up nearly 800 results.

That's just one website. For one generic search. Over 1800 results of affordable private family properties all within a reasonable commute distance. If you add on all the smaller apartments and studios within those so called "affordable" brackets I bet the results would be more than double that - just on one listing site.


It more than possible for normal people on normal salaries to live and work in London. Millions of people do it. I should know because I used to be one of them. For the masses, it does of course mean a longer commute or a less desirable area. Isnt that the same in every other major city including Sheffield.


London is expensive yes - of course its gonna be. Its the Capital. But the whole way this "crisis" is blown out of all proportion is just getting ridiculous. Lets not forget that many of those so called "key workers" - as if they are in some way more important than the rest of the employed sectors - get a London weighting on top of their salary to go towards the supposed increased costs.

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Why mention a £150k house price then?


To try to give an example that it is possible to get normal houses at normal prices in the London area.


SOME people move to London and would have assets from a previous house sale. SOME people may choose to get a mortgage. A mortgage which is at an affordable level just the same as buying a house up here for example. SOME people will do neither and simply seek out a rental property.


Whatever option is irrelevant. The thread is about property prices and alleged "extortionate" rates that should somehow be capped or discounted by private owners as some sort of charitable act for those who cannot afford it. Its nonsense. Its market rates dictated by the market. Those go up and down.


The whole point to my post (as I am sure you know) is that I am trying to counter this constant myth that it is virtually impossible for anyone on a normal salary to live in London. That is complete horse crap. I say before, I should know because I spent time living down there on a very modest salary.


You can very much live in London. Even afford to get a house if you so choose BUT like with everything, and like nearly any other city..... which part of it, the distance from it, the area you reside, and size of which you can afford has to be adapted accordingly.

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