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Britain's richest MP forcing people from their homes!

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I don't condone it. How are you going to police every cash in hand job? Regulating big businesses is a necessity in my opinion. If someone gets caught evading tax laws, they should be prosecuted. I know big businesses done break the law, but they're privileged with many tax breaks and loopholes that ordinary folk don't have access to.


So not regulating small crime isn't a loophole? Cash in hand jobs are evading tax! Big business pays more tax than SME's, where's the break?


Your argument is hypocritical and prejudice, plain and simple!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on this........


As you know, the Benyons have now pulled out of this due to the pressure from the public, now the Mayor of New York has condemned Westbrook, the company who are still in line to buy the properties and increase the rent. Apparently, this kind of behaviour used to happen in New York all the time.


Working and middle class people work hard and put a lot into building their communities. Westbrook have effectively been evicted from New York, we shouldn't be allowing them to behave like this in London


A lot of people on here go on about immigrants coming over here and taking our jobs, well this is a foreign company, coming to our land and forcing our people out of their homes!


Let's hope Boris finally breaks his silence on this and finally puts a stop to it!!

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So not regulating small crime isn't a loophole? Cash in hand jobs are evading tax! Big business pays more tax than SME's, where's the break?


Your argument is hypocritical and prejudice, plain and simple!


Only if it's not declared in the required time frame, and even then it may fall within a person's tax allowance.


So, if you happen to mow the neighbour's lawn for a fiver or a tenner, you must:


1) Tell HMRC that you are a sole trader. See info here:


They will then start sending you tax returns. There is a self employment page to fill in and you need to write down the total takings for the year, total costs, and then profit/loss. You will pay income tax on the profit/loss. You wouldn't get any tax free allowance on this as you are employed and use it there, so the income would be taxed at the highest rate of tax you pay on your employed income.


2) Tell National Insurance that you are self-employed:


You will immediately have to start paying Class 2 National Insurance Contributions (currently £2.40 a week). However, if your profit for the tax year will be below £5,075, you can apply for a Certificate of Small Earnings which exempts you from having to pay this. See 'Small Earnings Exemptions', here:



If you happen to tell them now about the £5 you earned last year, you might get a very large fine for not declaring it soon enough. Don't all rush at once.


Info from MSE.com

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Benyon eh...


A Tory MP worth £110million is raking in £625,000 a year from his hard-up tenants’ housing benefit – despite blasting the “something for nothing” welfare state.


Richard Benyon – Britain’s richest MP – runs his vast property empire from a mansion on his sprawling country pile.


But last night he was accused of cashing in off the back of the very handouts his party pledged to slash – as it emerged a string of other Tories were doing the same.




Our richest MP farms over 300 tenants in Hackney, East London. The human crop yields vast amounts of money and is unaffected by economic forces as housing benefits ensure minimum rental yields. The 300 tenants yield nearly 2/3s of a milion £ per year in housing benefit.


On top of Mr Benyon’s haul from tenants, his family farms have also received more than £2million in EU subsidies since 2000.


He also has 20 000 acres of alternative farms, that have yielded just over a couple of million £ in subsidy since the start of the century. He will no doubt receive rental income too, letting these farms out to tenant farmers.


Some of them might also be used for the production of food, which can be profitable.


Benyon is unlikely to get his hands dirty producing food or building housing, but he is paid handsomely for owning land and property, and is rewarded by having a greater share of the economic pie.


Sheffielders on the other hand get poorer, and have faced 430% increases to the cost of renting ever so tiny parcels of land for a little food production to supplement their diet in a system where foodbanks are the norm.


This system that breeds ineuqalities on vast scales needs to be made much more progressive.


What do you think?



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Is that the old Green eyed monster i detect there Chem ?


No it is me pointing out how one wealthy individual exploits on a large scale many of the poorest for their housing benefit, and on an even larger scale the general taxpayer via subsidies for merely owning land - which is practically where all of the money "we" send to the EU goes...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good news for the residents of the New Era Estate!


Westbrook have sold their homes to an affordable housing association. A company that is committed to providing rent rates based on the residents income, rather than the market rate!


Amazing victory! Just goes to show what can be done when people work together.

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