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Britain's richest MP forcing people from their homes!

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Good news for the residents of the New Era Estate!


Westbrook have sold their homes to an affordable housing association. A company that is committed to providing rent rates based on the residents income, rather than the market rate!


Amazing victory! Just goes to show what can be done when people work together.


Great news!


However, we aren't finished yet. I've just found out that Tesco sell their products to the residents of the New Era estate at market value and not at rates based on their income. This needs to stop, after all food is more important than shelter.


Shall I write to Russell?

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Why doesn't Russel Brand invest in building an housing estate and rent the houses at a subsidised rate to these families ?

In the 1920s the Sutton Estate was built to accommodate working class families with children on low wages.


Check out what he is doing. Some pretty good stuff he's setting up for homeless people.


---------- Post added 20-12-2014 at 10:18 ----------


Great news!


However, we aren't finished yet. I've just found out that Tesco sell their products to the residents of the New Era estate at market value and not at rates based on their income. This needs to stop, after all food is more important than shelter.


Shall I write to Russell?


I can see that you're trying to make some sort of a tenuous link there. Unfortunately, you've failed completely.

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More on the homeless to think about. Christmas messages and another hard-hitting observation from Del.


So David Cameron gives out his Christmas message of “giving, sharing and taking care of others" I do not need to add to much to those hollow words from a hollow man.


This Christmas more than 80,000 families will be on a sanction over Christmas. Nearly 7,000 of them disabled people. An estimated saving of £20 million for the DWP for December.


90,000 children will now be homeless this Christmas as a direct result of the Tory punishment of the poor and never ending giving to the rich.


The inns are overflowing with 60,000 homeless families in one room B&B accommodation.


While Dave celebrates the birth of Christ in a humble stable at one of his four luxury residences , homeless veterans, who fought for his Christian country, will be sleeping on the streets tonight and some may be just lucky enough to be fed by a charity this Christmas day.


David Cameron refused millions of pounds from the EU to help the country feed the truly needy.


As Dave has now had his soul removed to allow him to stuff more fine food and wine into his stomach let's not forget some of the poors souls who died a miserable and lonely death at the hands of the Tories, like..


Mark Wood, a fragile man with Aspergers Syndrome, severe mental illness and cognitive functioning problems.He was found fit to work.His ESA and Housing Benefit were stopped.

He then simply sat alone in his flat and starved to death.


Mark woods sister and the sister of another man, David Clapson, a diabetic ex-soldier who also starved to death alone in his flat after being sanctioned by the government, held a meeting in Cameron's own constituency in November in an effort to make sure David Cameron would let no other vulnerable people starve to death in modern day Britain.


David Cameron couldn't even be bothered to reply, let alone turn up, and the deaths have carried on with the media and press giving no more than a few lines to the stories of these avoidable tragedies, and still very few seem to care about these nameless, voiceless people who went to their graves in silence and have become this countries national shame , which one day people will ask how an earth did we allow this happen.This country has gone backwards over the last four years to a time when nobody cared for anything apart from what they had or wanted, where selfishness and jealousy are now a by product of conservatism.


David Cameron and his sidekick George Osborne boasts that all this misery heaped upon the working poor was to save and strengthen Britain's economy !! That boast was left in tatters yesterday when Osborne and his lies were exposed by factual figures that showed the economy as pathetically weak and unbalanced and that Osborne"s boast about cutting the national debt was laughable. The national debt has soared by £89.7 billion in just 12 months, according to the Office for National Statistics.


One top American economist described George Osborne as a buffoon and that his so called long term economic plan was to shrink the state to a pre war level and let charity fill a tiny gap and then give the money that has literally been stolen from the hungry mouths of babies to the rich, and provide large corporations with an endless line of poverty waged slaves and free labour of the unemployed.


If Thatcher was once described as morally bankrupt then I do not know what words can be described to these parasites !! and let's not forget Nick Clegg and his Lib Dems who's last achievement of the year was to insure that the bedroom tax will still be in existence next year !!


David Cameron talks about christian values !! These are not exclusively Christian values, these are the values of any decent human being who when given the chance of power and the chance of change would do his or her up most to leave the country a better place than where they found it !!


David Cameron and his band of merry men have left devastation and misery at every turn, they have left the country the most divided it has ever been, and a country that is very nearly on the brink of another coming of the dark ages where the poor die in their slums unable to access medical services, or books and education or financial help for food and heating.


David Cameron's vision is that the rich should throw a few coins at the down trodden classes in the form of charity, and that the state should no longer take any burden in helping those that need help and that all that money should be diverted into increasing the countries wealth , which of course means increasing the wealth of the already wealthy.


Never ever forget that it was David Cameron who in 2010 gave the working class never ending austerity, and then gave the wealthiest a massive tax cut in the same breath...

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He raised the tax code for everyone taking the poorest out of paying any tax at all. And of course he lowered the top rate of tax for the wealth creators at the same time to try to encourage investment and increase jobs and employment. You Mecky are too blind to see it. And sob will I g to see and accept the truth

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Simple. Move out or get a better job to pay the rent. Or MOVE to an area with cheaper rent.


You're in favour of giving land, public land, to foreign investors, instead of letting the British public reside in those houses?


Tell me how that is a good thing, please? !?

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