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Anonymous activists at it again! violent protest!

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Do you consider the things that anonymous are protesting about to be good things or are you just one of those incredibly dull and old fashioned old bores who hates everything anyway?


in a perfect world some of the things would be a good idea, unfortunately we dont live in a perfect world and the world has to run and that takes winners and losers.

the way they protest will do absolutely nothing to change anything for most of them it breaks the boredom of doing nothing.

i dont consider myself dull and boring and in fact i consider myself very lucky i certainly dont hate everything well except for self righteous whingers who consider everything should be equal and they shouldn't need to fend for themselves:thumbsup:

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Does anyone think protests such as this will change government policy ?


Hopefully not and nor should they.


---------- Post added 06-11-2014 at 21:22 ----------


Hardly- the title of it i.e. the "Million Mask March" contains a clue as to the reason they were wearing masks :)


Yes they called it that to justify wearing masks so that they could act violently without the worry of being identified.

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LOL, sounds like terrorist hiding behind children and in hospitals!


If she was amid a crowd of masked (potential) rioters (some were arrested for things such as GBH), then she's either rather naive or condoning it.



Oh, I love how you gave me a reference of the numbers attending at a place you were saying didn't cover it, BRILLIANT!


But why should everyone cover a bunch of yobs?



Mainstream news is 'News at 10' (ITV) or BBC 10 O' clock news. So far it hasn't been mentioned on either.

What they did include in the 6 0 clock news, (think it was ITV but not sure,) was brief coverage of a riot in Brussels, so yobs do get coverage as long as they're not British, or maybe the British protesters were overwhelmingly peaceful and just not yobbish enough.


Why will you not accept that there are millions of people who are very unhappy with the whole political system in this country?


Thousands of them march and protest on a regular basis. They are not 'yobs and cowards' but ordinary, thinking and reasoning people using their lawful right to protest while they still can.


There is a news blackout on the subject so as 'not to give them the oxygen of publicity' (as Thatcher said,) lest many, many more should flock to join them. The message of the protesters is being deliberately supressed and replaced with both lying by ommision and scurilous untruths, (such as all the protesters are yobs and cowards.)


Do you work for the government agency?

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Mainstream news is 'News at 10' (ITV) or BBC 10 O' clock news. So far it hasn't been mentioned on either.

What they did include in the 6 0 clock news, (think it was ITV but not sure,) was brief coverage of a riot in Brussels, so yobs do get coverage as long as they're not British, or maybe the British protesters were overwhelmingly peaceful and just not yobbish enough.


Why will you not accept that there are millions of people who are very unhappy with the whole political system in this country?


Thousands of them march and protest on a regular basis. They are not 'yobs and cowards' but ordinary, thinking and reasoning people using their lawful right to protest while they still can.


There is a news blackout on the subject so as 'not to give them the oxygen of publicity' (as Thatcher said,) lest many, many more should flock to join them. The message of the protesters is being deliberately supressed and replaced with both lying by ommision and scurilous untruths, (such as all the protesters are yobs and cowards.)


Do you work for the government agency?


The London one was on Channel 5 news at 5 tonight.


The BBC decided to cover the Brussels one or wherever because they were 100,000 strong, tipping cars, police out in force firing stuff, etc... A full on riot in short!

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The London one was on Channel 5 news at 5 tonight.


The BBC decided to cover the Brussels one or wherever because they were 100,000 strong, tipping cars, police out in force firing stuff, etc... A full on riot in short!


Did it mention numbers? I didn't notice that. It was actually one of the occupy groups. They've been demonstrating all around the world.


November 5th is the day of protest.

(Connection is Guy Fawkes blowing up parliament on Nov 5th - and incidently the GuyFawkes masks belong officially to the 'Annonymous' group, not occupy, although there is some crossover.) and generally speaking occupy is political but peaceful.


Did Channel 5 mention how many took part in London?

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Did it mention numbers? I didn't notice that. It was actually one of the occupy groups. They've been demonstrating all around the world.


November 5th is the day of protest.

(Connection is Guy Fawkes blowing up parliament on Nov 5th - and incidently the GuyFawkes masks belong officially to the 'Annonymous' group, not occupy, although there is some crossover.) and generally speaking occupy is political but peaceful.


Did Channel 5 mention how many took part in London?


They said they were protesting / rioting over some new austerity measures there.


November 5th isn't in my diary as the national day of protest, rather Bonfire Night and in another Guy Fawkes Night. Also protests need to be organised in-conjunction with the police to help integrate it into others lives, not on this adhoc basis.


I wasn't aware Anonymous was an offical group, rather a collective (originally hackers, but hijacked by many others now).

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