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Anonymous activists at it again! violent protest!

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I think it was funny that half the comments on the news story were about the quality of photography and not to do with the event :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 06-11-2014 at 15:08 ----------



I think this picture/banner sums them up quite well




most will be collecting the benefits available by the boatload paid for with our taxes:mad:

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yet again we see renta mob doing their cowardly protests under the cover of masks in london and elsewhere, about time water cannon was brought out to clean the streets of these idiots.....oh yes and Russell Brand:hihi:




Do you include 66 year old Maggie in this number, who is quoted as saying;


"I have come along basically to say to the government 'enough is enough.' They are bringing in so many austerity cuts, the welfare reforms haven't been thought out properly, yet Ian Duncan Smith seems to think it is working.

I hope people strive for humanity, to be kinder to one another, and not to believe all the lies."


Yeah, sounds like a real danger to the public - bring out the water cannons..... Let's blast the pensioners...

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yet again we see renta mob doing their cowardly protests under the cover of masks in london and elsewhere, about time water cannon was brought out to clean the streets of these idiots.....oh yes and Russell Brand:hihi:




Do you include 66 year old Maggie in this number, who is quoted as saying;


"I have come along basically to say to the government 'enough is enough.' They are bringing in so many austerity cuts, the welfare reforms haven't been thought out properly, yet Ian Duncan Smith seems to think it is working.

I hope people strive for humanity, to be kinder to one another, and not to believe all the lies."


Yeah, sounds like a real danger to the public - bring out the water cannons..... Let's blast the pensioners...


LOL, sounds like terrorist hiding behind children and in hospitals!


If she was amid a crowd of masked (potential) rioters (some were arrested for things such as GBH), then she's either rather naive or condoning it.



Oh, I love how you gave me a reference of the numbers attending at a place you were saying didn't cover it, BRILLIANT!


But why should everyone cover a bunch of yobs?

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i do stan i do in context:thumbsup: not like these rent a gob neanderthals that contribute nothing to society but expect society to give them everything:rolleyes:


Context my arse! I can't think of anything more Neanderthal than enjoying watching a pack of animals ripping another animal to pieces.

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Context my arse! I can't think of anything more Neanderthal than enjoying watching a pack of animals ripping another animal to pieces.


do stay on topic Stan you know its against forum rules!! to divert for personal one to one issues?:P


---------- Post added 06-11-2014 at 18:47 ----------


yet again we see renta mob doing their cowardly protests under the cover of masks in london and elsewhere, about time water cannon was brought out to clean the streets of these idiots.....oh yes and Russell Brand:hihi:




Do you include 66 year old Maggie in this number, who is quoted as saying;


"I have come along basically to say to the government 'enough is enough.' They are bringing in so many austerity cuts, the welfare reforms haven't been thought out properly, yet Ian Duncan Smith seems to think it is working.

I hope people strive for humanity, to be kinder to one another, and not to believe all the lies."


Yeah, sounds like a real danger to the public - bring out the water cannons..... Let's blast the pensioners...


yes actually i do include her, its likely she is a left over from greenpeace, CND or such like protester which in their time were also violent at times. she also condones the violence by being there in the first place. so yes if shes there she deserves the same treatment although nobody in government has the Kahunas to use the water cannon...unfortunately !:mad:

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do stay on topic Stan you know its against forum rules!! to divert for personal one to one issues?:P


Do you consider the things that anonymous are protesting about to be good things or are you just one of those incredibly dull and old fashioned old bores who hates everything anyway?

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Mainstream media means either 'News at Ten' or 'BBC 10 0' clock news to me.


That's what most people watch.


Given that it happened after 10PM how do you expect to have seen in reported on last night's edition of the programme?

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