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Anonymous activists at it again! violent protest!

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Do you include 66 year old Maggie in this number, who is quoted as saying;


"I have come along basically to say to the government 'enough is enough.' They are bringing in so many austerity cuts, the welfare reforms haven't been thought out properly, yet Ian Duncan Smith seems to think it is working.

I hope people strive for humanity, to be kinder to one another, and not to believe all the lies."


Yeah, sounds like a real danger to the public - bring out the water cannons..... Let's blast the pensioners...

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Yep , the usual militant leftie rent a mob , probably Occupy and such hippy groups .


Do you actually think that these protests are asking for bad things? Ending inequality etc. you think inequality is a good thing, on the scale that it is at the moment? I know their will always be very rich people and very poor people in a capitalist society, but don't you think it's gone too far?

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Anna, your post needs editing again...


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 00:36 ----------


Do you actually think that these protests are asking for bad things? Ending inequality etc. you think inequality is a good thing, on the scale that it is at the moment? I know their will always be very rich people and very poor people in a capitalist society, but don't you think it's gone too far?


They're going about it all wrong. Costing us tax payers more money too...

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Do you consider the things that anonymous are protesting about to be good things or are you just one of those incredibly dull and old fashioned old bores who hates everything anyway?


These militant fascists just want a violent run in with the authorities , hence the reason for the wearing of those stupid masks .

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yes actually i do include her, its likely she is a left over from greenpeace, CND or such like protester which in their time were also violent at times. she also condones the violence by being there in the first place. so yes if shes there she deserves the same treatment although nobody in government has the Kahunas to use the water cannon...unfortunately !:mad:


You just can't accept that ordinary, sane people are calling for change, can you?

This lady is the only person I've heard speaking any sense, and you still try and besmirch her character. She's asking for kindness, consideration, and people to care for each other, and you still argue with that.......


you're unbelievable...

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Do you include 66 year old Maggie in this number, who is quoted as saying;


"I have come along basically to say to the government 'enough is enough.' They are bringing in so many austerity cuts, the welfare reforms haven't been thought out properly, yet Ian Duncan Smith seems to think it is working.

I hope people strive for humanity, to be kinder to one another, and not to believe all the lies."


Yeah, sounds like a real danger to the public - bring out the water cannons..... Let's blast the pensioners...


Are you assuming 66 year old maggie won't be voting labour as they aren't going to reverse sod all.


I bet she will though.

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Anna, your post needs editing again...


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 00:36 ----------



They're going about it all wrong. Costing us tax payers more money too...


I can't do that thing where you quote different people, or reply in sections. It keeps going wrong, sorry.


How would you suggest they go about it, baring in mind I don't think voting one rubbish lot out and getting another rubbish lot in, which is all the ballot box achieves?


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 00:44 ----------




Are you assuming 66 year old maggie won't be voting labour as they aren't going to reverse sod all.


I bet she will though.


I doubt she will be voting Labour or anything else for that matter. That's why she's marching. Because there's no one worth voting for.

Edited by Anna B
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These militant fascists just want a violent run in with the authorities , hence the reason for the wearing of those stupid masks .


Really? And here's me thinking they were just fed up of the government and want to force a change using the only methods they have access to! :rolleyes: Silly me!

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How would you suggest they go about it, baring in mind I don't think voting one rubbish lot out and getting another rubbish lot in, which is all the ballot box achieves?


You may think the democratic principle of voting is rubbish but it is the way we and the majority of other countries think is fair. What is the alternative to voting, dictation?


So, say you have a revolution, the current political parties are say banned, what happens then? A new political / ruling party is created? What will they do? Dictate redistribution, classed in majority of philosophies as theft?




What if those with the money create their own army and revolt? Like warlords in feudalism!


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 00:51 ----------


Really? And here's me thinking they were just fed up of the government and want to force a change using the only methods they have access to! :rolleyes: Silly me!


Yes, silly you, there are lots of other ways!



Also is it only this government? This government made up of people (many who have never been to public school) from virtually every city in this country!

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I can't do that thing where you quote different people, or reply in sections. It keeps going wrong, sorry.


How would you suggest they go about it, baring in mind I don't think voting one rubbish lot out and getting another rubbish lot in, which is all the ballot box achieves?


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 00:44 ----------




Are you assuming 66 year old maggie won't be voting labour as they aren't going to reverse sod all.


I bet she will though.


I doubt she will be voting Labour or anything else for that matter. That's why she's marching. Because there's no one worth voting for.


A lot marching against austerity measures will sleep walk into the voting booth next year and vote labour. Maggie is more likely to as older people are more likely to vote full stop.

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