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Anonymous activists at it again! violent protest!

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A lot marching against austerity measures will sleep walk into the voting booth next year and vote labour. Maggie is more likely to as older people are more likely to vote full stop.


Why is there so much miss quoting happening tonight? Must be bed time soon?!


Maybe Maggie is an exception to the rule? She was protesting after all.


I think their will be a massive reduction in votes at the next election.

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You may think the democratic principle of voting is rubbish but it is the way we and the majority of other countries think is fair. What is the alternative to voting, dictation?


So, say you have a revolution, the current political parties are say banned, what happens then? A new political / ruling party is created? What will they do? Dictate redistribution, classed in majority of philosophies as theft?




What if those with the money create their own army and revolt? Like warlords in feudalism!


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 00:51 ----------



Yes, silly you, there are lots of other ways!



Also is it only this government? This government made up of people (many who have never been to public school) from virtually every city in this country!


You do know that nearly all the cabinet, who make the decisions, went to public school?


I don't want a revolution, as I've said many times, and I'm all for a voting system that reflects the wishes of the people, but that requires politicians to listen to what the public are saying and act on it, be honest and trustworthy, and able to answer questions that are asked of them rather than the question they want to answer. And they should have the interests of the British people uppermost in their minds, rather than their own self-serving needs.


Not too much to ask surely? Then I'll vote.

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Why is there so much miss quoting happening tonight? Must be bed time soon?!


Maybe Maggie is an exception to the rule? She was protesting after all.


I think their will be a massive reduction in votes at the next election.


Indeed there will. According to newsnight it's because political parties "are in crisis". Cobblers. No crisis at all - far from it. In fact, the like of maggie and her mates make it easier for the three main parties (well, two - lib dems are finished) to do what ever they want. If maggie and her mates get behind one party - I bet the greens aren't far off what they're after - they could do well. But they won't. They'll leave it to the planks who will vote labour or Tory come rain or shine to decide how we live and few swing constituencies.


To cap it all, and you only need to look at the likes of Rotherham or the South Wales coal fields for proof, that a die hard vote for labour will get you absolutely and completely nothing. Less than that. They don't need to improve the lives off working class labour voters because they'll vote for them anyway. So they don't. You're average Tory voter is more likely to be wealthier (although that wealth might be temporary) so they are less likely to shafted because they don't need government help ( or don't think they do) as much.


But all this down to people not voting. So when there is a right of centre ukip/Tory coalition or labour sneak in with the SNP (and make sure they are really looked after north of the border) be sure to send Russell brand and the occupy team a thankyou note.

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Indeed there will. According to newsnight it's because political parties "are in crisis". Cobblers. No crisis at all - far from it. In fact, the like of maggie and her mates make it easier for the three main parties (well, two - lib dems are finished) to do what ever they want. If maggie and her mates get behind one party - I bet the greens aren't far off what they're after - they could do well. But they won't. They'll leave it to the planks who will vote labour or Tory come rain or shine to decide how we live and few swing constituencies.


To cap it all, and you only need to look at the likes of Rotherham or the South Wales coal fields for proof, that a die hard vote for labour will get you absolutely and completely nothing. Less than that. They don't need to improve the lives off working class labour voters because they'll vote for them anyway. So they don't. You're average Tory voter is more likely to be wealthier (although that wealth might be temporary) so they are less likely to shafted because they don't need government help ( or don't think they do) as much.


But all this down to people not voting. So when there is a right of centre ukip/Tory coalition or labour sneak in with the SNP (and make sure they are really looked after north of the border) be sure to send Russell brand and the occupy team a thankyou note.


I agree, in the short term it will make things easier. But if enough people abstain from voting and instead become active, i.e protest, make a stand collectively and force change on a local level, those people will make life much more difficult for the main parties in the long run.

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Don't protest. Don't demonstrate. Ridicule those that ARE willing to make a point and you will enslaved even sooner than you thought. A war is being fought here, a government that blatantly supports the wealthy against masses of low paid, unemployed, disabled and disadvantaged people. Its rich versus poor. Unless you are among the group lucky enough to be earning millions for doing very little, then be thankful that at least some members of society have the courage to speak up and highlight the plight of the poor.

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Don't protest. Don't demonstrate. Ridicule those that ARE willing to make a point and you will enslaved even sooner than you thought. A war is being fought here, a government that blatantly supports the wealthy against masses of low paid, unemployed, disabled and disadvantaged people. Its rich versus poor. Unless you are among the group lucky enough to be earning millions for doing very little, then be thankful that at least some members of society have the courage to speak up and highlight the plight of the poor.


A great post, eloquent and truthful.

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They're going about it all wrong. Costing us tax payers more money too...


That's the bit they don't understand, each time they have one of their violent protests it costs money to police it, the consequence is more of what they are protesting about austerity, money will need diverting from other services to fund the police.


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 08:11 ----------


You just can't accept that ordinary, sane people are calling for change, can you?

This lady is the only person I've heard speaking any sense, and you still try and besmirch her character. She's asking for kindness, consideration, and people to care for each other, and you still argue with that.......


you're unbelievable...


The irony is that the services she needs will be cut further because the police will suck up more money to police such events.

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That's the bit they don't understand, each time they have one of their violent protests it costs money to police it, the consequence is more of what they are protesting about austerity, money will need diverting from other services to fund the police.


Not a patch on the extra tax that it costs us to fund big businesses and the interest we pay on the banks debts.


A lot of those police will have been on shift anyway. I bet the additional cost was not much at all really.

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At least five arrested as Russell Brand joins activists in Anonymous group’s Guy Fawkes masks outside parliament


Doesn't sound very anonymous to me if Russell Brand was named. Maybe we should call him Bearded X.

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