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Old boy network?

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I think you're right. Loob's observation could be more aimed at Clegg, as he's now in the "old boy network" by association anyway. Every time I watch these guys in debate it's like having pins stuck in your eyeballs.


A lot of people on SF could be classified in a very bad light if done by association!

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I'd love to see the Greens represented in the debates.


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 01:04 ----------


I'd welcome a Green Party candidate in the leaders debates. They would bring a different dimension to a rather stale and generic debate between who can further the interests of the rich best while not frightening middle England.


I think they'd highlight the fact that immigration isn't the big issue that people are made to think it is.

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Not on about me, calm down luv.


I am calm, very calm.


But association is not a crime or make you the same as someone else. That's the point!


What point? I never said it was a crime or making someone the same let alone being bad.

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I am calm, very calm.




What point? I never said it was a crime or making someone the same let alone being bad.


Are you off your head then 'cos i've already highlighted why in the original post, you're just being awkward :P

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It's not just the Old Boys club, it's the whole network and working practices of Parliament that IMO is outdated and grinds exceedingly slow. We might have had the best system of government in the world at one time, but that's no reason to pickle it in aspic and hang on to the trite and innappropriate customs of old for ever.


I cringe when I see our systems with 'honourable gentlemen' and black rod, and ermin robes etc. It alianates the common people and makes the whole thing seem elitist and remote. It's so last century. (Actually 2 centuries ago.) I'm all for a bit of pomp and ceremony in the right place, but leave that to the Queen, it has no place in a modern democracy.


Compare it with other countries which look modern and workmanlike, get things done, and also seem to have a much greater proportion of women in powerful positions. (I don't think they even got a Ladies loo in the house of commons until the 1980's.) Britain is hidebound by tradition, certain ways of doing things that went out with the ark, and the old boy network which excludes many capable people because they're not 'one of us.'


No wonder it's so hard to get any degree of change and new ways of doing things through. I don't think it's satisfactory to do things in the 21st century the way they were done in the 18th. And it costs a bomb. We need to move with the times and modernise.


Quite simply, not fit for purpose.

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It's not just the Old Boys club, it's the whole network and working practices of Parliament that IMO is outdated and grinds exceedingly slow. We might have had the best system of government in the world at one time, but that's no reason to pickle it in aspic and hang on to the trite and innappropriate customs of old for ever.


I cringe when I see our systems with 'honourable gentlemen' and black rod, and ermin robes etc. It alianates the common people and makes the whole thing seem elitist and remote. It's so last century. (Actually 2 centuries ago.) I'm all for a bit of pomp and ceremony in the right place, but leave that to the Queen, it has no place in a modern democracy.


Compare it with other countries which look modern and workmanlike, get things done, and also seem to have a much greater proportion of women in powerful positions. (I don't think they even got a Ladies loo in the house of commons until the 1980's.) Britain is hidebound by tradition, certain ways of doing things that went out with the ark, and the old boy network which excludes many capable people because they're not 'one of us.'


No wonder it's so hard to get any degree of change and new ways of doing things through. I don't think it's satisfactory to do things in the 21st century the way they were done in the 18th. And it costs a bomb. We need to move with the times and modernise.


Quite simply, not fit for purpose.


That's how democracy works in practice! It isn't just have a revolution and all will be good and everyone nice!


Which countries are you referring to as just getting things done which you want to emulate?



As for Old Boys Network:

Figures published today show a three percentage point rise in the number of ex private school pupils amongst this year’s intake of MPs to 35 per cent.


It brings to a halt a steady decline in their influence over the past 18 years.





That's right, its just increased to 35%....! Is that excluding the many?

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That's how democracy works in practice! It isn't just have a revolution and all will be good and everyone nice!


Which countries are you referring to as just getting things done which you want to emulate?



As for Old Boys Network:






That's right, its just increased to 35%....! Is that excluding the many?


What is it with you and revolution all the time....?


Current cabinet: 4 went to comprehensive Schools, 5 went to Grammar schools, and 13 went to public school.

And this is the baby boomer generation when there were still grammar schools and free higher education. That sort of social mobility is becoming a thing of the past.

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