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Cyclists Keep Back !!

Do you agree with the new HGV/PCV cyclist advisory sign?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you agree with the new HGV/PCV cyclist advisory sign?

    • Yes, the new sign is clear and "to the point"
    • No, the new sign make me feel like a second class citizen

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You really mustn't be rude about pedestrians, they have just as much right as anyone else to be on the roads.


As a responsible driver of something that can kill it is incumbent on drivers to be aware of, and make allowance for, pedestrians who haven't had to learn about the laws of the road.


Really? I learnt from a young age a large chunk of metal travelling along a road can kill me - use caution. If you don't understand as that as an adult you shouldn't be out on your own.

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Or legislate to require a better system of cyclists to NOT put themselves in danger in the first place!


Did you look at the video. There could be a car in that space. There could be a dog or a toddler.


Think about what you're suggesting and whether it will really reduce harm, or whether you're just acting out like a child... Once you've done that, you might have realised that legislation about mirrors can be enforced, easily, and will be largely complied with without any problem. Legislation about behaviour on the other hand, whilst it might even be well intentioned (although I doubt it) couldn't be reasonably enforced and would likely be ignored by the very people it's meant to protect.


So, which is it. Did you think your suggestion would really reduce the number of cyclists killed? Or were you just acting out?


---------- Post added 24-10-2016 at 16:44 ----------


So drivers (and presumably pedestrians and other cyclists) have to allow try and make allowances for people with no road sense because they're either too lazy or too stupid to educate themselves about road safety?


What's the alternative, do you think it's okay to run children over because they have little road sense and no license?

Or indeed adult pedestrians who may well not drive and can't anticipate the blind spot or turning circle of a large vehicle...


It's quite clear on this thread that some posters have no interest in safety, but only want to impose restrictions on other people who do something different to them.

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So drivers (and presumably pedestrians and other cyclists) have to allow try and make allowances for people with no road sense because they're either too lazy or too stupid to educate themselves about road safety?


Yes! Holding a driving licence is a privilege that can be taken away from you where as being a pedestrian is not.

And let's face it despite any perceived laziness or stupidity on behalf of the pedestrian, how would you feel if you didn't make allowances for them and someone was hurt?

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So drivers (and presumably pedestrians and other cyclists) have to allow try and make allowances for people with no road sense because they're either too lazy or too stupid to educate themselves about road safety?


I think so.


No matter how idiotic other road users can be; as a driver, my first and foremost consideration is one of safety. Anything else (e.g. 'the dude on that bike is a f**king idiot' or 'spot the drunk in the middle of the road', etc), pales into insignificance; no matter how retarded they are, I want them to be safe.

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in post #79 video it is a representative position I was faced with last week when a bus pulled into a bus stop slightly angled in. As I approached the rear of the bus to overtake I could not see the mirrors of the bus so I knew the bus driver could not see me so I waited behind the bus. Sure enough once the passengers loaded, the bus driver pulled out to straighten the bus and see the traffic along side where I would have been.

Drivers have to acknowledge that cyclists do not have to have a driving licence and drive for them not against them. Roads are for the public and road users should be public spirited or not be on the road.


ihph well said

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Pedestrians and cyclists always come first by law, more drivers should take care.


---------- Post added 25-10-2016 at 02:28 ----------


And if it's as bad as it shows, why don't we legislate to require a better system of mirrors?


In the last few weeks 5 cyclists got killed or seriously injured in my area. It's always the drivers fault. Either the driver goes too fast, doesn't use mirrors or drives erratically. Occasionally the driver doesn't see the cuclist. It's still the drivers responsibility. Car drivers should always use caution and road sense to avoid collisions.

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The simple fact the law says you have to drive with due care and attention should be enough of an answer for anyone complaining about having to watch out for cyclists.





Pedestrians and cyclists always come first by law, more drivers should take care.


---------- Post added 25-10-2016 at 02:28 ----------



In the last few weeks 5 cyclists got killed or seriously injured in my area. It's always the drivers fault. Either the driver goes too fast, doesn't use mirrors or drives erratically. Occasionally the driver doesn't see the cuclist. It's still the drivers responsibility. Car drivers should always use caution and road sense to avoid collisions.

I think you may have just been talking about the 5 incidents in your area when you said "it's always the drivers fault" but just to clarify, outside of these incidents it isn't always the driver's fault, cyclists are not exempt from road laws and can be at fault/to blame.

Edited by RootsBooster
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So, which is it. Did you think your suggestion would really reduce the number of cyclists killed? Or were you just acting out


I wasn't acting anything. I was trying to point out that legislation wouldn't do anything while cyclists keep putting themselves in a danger spot. I drive an articulated lorry and have plenty of mirrors and my blind spots are minimal unless I start to turn!


Before I turn and create a blind spot (trailer front blocking view down the side) I ALWAYS check mirrors. However, I can't do anything to prevent cyclists coming down that side to get in front regardless of the number of mirrors I have whether I'm turning or not.


Because I have an opinion of my own doesn't mean I act like a child either.

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The simple fact the law says you have to drive with due care and attention should be enough of an answer for anyone complaining about having to watch out for cyclists.






I think you may have just been talking about the 5 incidents in your address when you said "it's always the drivers fault" but just to clarify, outside of these incidents it isn't always the driver's fault, cyclists are not exempt from road laws and can be at fault/to blame.


cyclist can be to blame that is true but the raw stats record that when an adult cyclist is involved in a collision with a vehicle then the driver is found to be at fault about 70 - 75% of the time. It rises to about 80% drivers fault near junctions This is not propaganda put about by cyclists groups but information put out by various police forces and transport for London.


This may be why some police forces have started targeting driver behavior rather than simply stopping cyclists and handing out yellow vests which used to be the Sheffield approach.

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