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Fall of the Wall

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25 years ago the political landscape of the world changed forever. Unrest in Poland spilled over into East Germany leading to the collapse of one of the world's mot brutal regimes. At one point the Stasi employed one in every hundred to spy on their own people.


Families that were separated from one day to another found themselves reunited when the people of East Berlin took control of their own destiny.


"What will you do first?" Asked a Dutch reporter of a young lady who had just, perilously, jumped off the concrete structure. "Buy Levis jeans!"


Then she realised,



"Oh! And visit my uncle Gerhard! He fled 8 years ago!"


The following day the reporter found out that Gerhard had indeed tried to flee, only to be shot in the back by his compatriots, his body left to rot in no mans land for weeks before they ventured out to put him in a mass grave.

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I've got a photo of the wall coming down on my living room wall. It was taken by a relative who was in the crowd on the West Berlin side that day. It isn't a professional shot and it is all the better for that. Its just a picture taken by someone who was there. An eyewitness to history.


Mecky is wrong in his post above. It did change the political landscape forever. That's why I've had the picture framed and put on my wall. It serves as a reminder of amazing political change in Europe. The various revolutions gave freedoms to millions that they are unlikely to ever surrender.


Try to explain Soviet news management to kids today. They won't believe you:)

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25 years ago the political landscape of the world changed forever. Unrest in Poland spilled over into East Germany leading to the collapse of one of the world's mot brutal regimes. At one point the Stasi employed one in every hundred to spy on their own people.


Families that were separated from one day to another found themselves reunited when the people of East Berlin took control of their own destiny.


"What will you do first?" Asked a Dutch reporter of a young lady who had just, perilously, jumped off the concrete structure. "Buy Levis jeans!"


Then she realised,



"Oh! And visit my uncle Gerhard! He fled 8 years ago!"


The following day the reporter found out that Gerhard had indeed tried to flee, only to be shot in the back by his compatriots, his body left to rot in no mans land for weeks before they ventured out to put him in a mass grave.


Political activism, taking matters into your own hands, never solves anything!:hihi:

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It does when its against murderous regimes rather than a few people bleating about banks and coffee pedlars


Banks and coffee pedlars often prop up murderous regimes though.


Choose your enemy.

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It does when its against murderous regimes rather than a few people bleating about banks and coffee pedlars


A protest is a protest. Whether it's against a murderous regime or whether it's against government corruption.

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I lived in West Germany at the time. It was very exciting and it was clear there was something big going to happen.

Months prior to the wall coming down many East Germans were given weekend leave to visit West Germany.

You could actually smell and hear the convoys of the 2 stroke trabants before you saw them.

I remember coming home and watching the German news seeing the iconic scene of folk on the wall chipping away at it and the Volks army stood by unsure what to do and just hoping they didn't open fire.

Very odd but another abiding memory is of David Hasselhoff (much loved by Germans) stood on the wall singing ' searching for freedom'.

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