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Fall of the Wall

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Not sure it has. The Russians are trying to expand again if you hadn't noticed. Plus, islam is trying to spread globally


I don't know how old you are Mecky, or whether you were politically aware in the eighties, but the fact is that that moment defines (rightly or wrongly) the terminal ending of the Cold War.


25 years !

Crikey, it only seems like yesterday I was watching it happening on the TV


Yeah, same here!


I've got a photo of the wall coming down on my living room wall. It was taken by a relative who was in the crowd on the West Berlin side that day. It isn't a professional shot and it is all the better for that. Its just a picture taken by someone who was there. An eyewitness to history.


I will never forget our teacher coming in with a brick of the wall, he borrowed it of a colleague who was there. I wish to this day that I had kept something!


A protest is a protest. Whether it's against a murderous regime or whether it's against government corruption.


Indeed although I am not sure you can classify this as a protest, more like a revolution. In scale it was probably similar to what is happening in the Middle East. We have to wait and see how things evolve there.


I lived in West Germany at the time. It was very exciting and it was clear there was something big going to happen.

Months prior to the wall coming down many East Germans were given weekend leave to visit West Germany.

You could actually smell and hear the convoys of the 2 stroke trabants before you saw them.

I remember coming home and watching the German news seeing the iconic scene of folk on the wall chipping away at it and the Volks army stood by unsure what to do and just hoping they didn't open fire.

Very odd but another abiding memory is of David Hasselhoff (much loved by Germans) stood on the wall singing ' searching for freedom'.


First time I ever saw a Trabant was an Eastern German gentleman who used to go to the Wadden-eilanden on holiday, three weeks after the wall had fallen he got in the car, drove non-stop to Harlingen (where we lived) and got on a ferry. He was intercepted by a journalist of the local newspaper and became national news a few days later.


The Dutch media was full of this story for months and when the wall came down it brought me to tears, I might have only been 12 but growing up in a country where you have to learn to hide under the desk if the alarm goes off does things with you even at that age!

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Political activism, taking matters into your own hands, never solves anything!:hihi:


It wasn't done from the inside, it was achieved by governments and yes banks! So no, you can't claim it for Russell Brand!


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 15:13 ----------


A protest is a protest. Whether it's against a murderous regime or whether it's against government corruption.


You do realise this was against a far left wing socialist dictatorship don't you! Exactly what you seem to be fighting for in other threads! :hihi::hihi:

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It wasn't done from the inside, it was achieved by governments and yes banks! So no, you can't claim it for Russell Brand!


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 15:13 ----------



You do realise this was against a far left wing socialist dictatorship don't you! Exactly what you seem to be fighting for in other threads! :hihi::hihi:


Again, making stuff up! Show me ONE occasion where I've said I want to live in a socialist dictatorship! If you can, I'll carry on the debate with you, if you can't, I'm not wasting my time with you.

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Again, making stuff up! Show me ONE occasion where I've said I want to live in a socialist dictatorship! If you can, I'll carry on the debate with you, if you can't, I'm not wasting my time with you.


You don't state it because you don't understand politics, but your arguments show that's what you want as many on here have pointed out to you!


You just don't like being called out, that's why you use these lame excuses...

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You don't state it because you don't understand politics, but your arguments show that's what you want as many on here have pointed out to you!


You just don't like being called out, that's why you use these lame excuses...


Why do you keep making stuff up? You're like a politician, you just talk balls.


I've said, many times, that I want to live in a capitalist society, just one that's more equal. One where big business is regulated. I'm not going to say it again. In fact I'm not going g to say anything to you again. You just spout rubbish. If you calmed down and thought about what you were saying, you might make more sense.

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Why do you keep making stuff up? You're like a politician, you just talk balls.


I've said, many times, that I want to live in a capitalist society, just one that's more equal. One where big business is regulated. I'm not going to say it again. In fact I'm not going g to say anything to you again. You just spout rubbish. If you calmed down and thought about what you were saying, you might make more sense.


As I pointed out earlier tonight using a reference explaining the difference between socialism, communism and capitalism earlier, your ideas fall into socialism, even though some would say communism. And yes capitalism is a necessary part of communism as Marx argued! :roll:

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