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EU Budget surcharge - Result! Shouts Osborne.

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The government has repeated many times that they knew something was coming (even in PMQ's), the EU however hadn't given any figures so on the day they announced that, £1.7 billion to be paid within not very many days it was a shock worth quibbling over!


Also they did the same to Greece for their performance!? Yeah great minds or are they going to charge interest on that late payment too?


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 15:32 ----------


Oh, well done Georgie boy ;)


Re. bold: Sure, but they knew when to say it, when the news broke (ie. when they chose to break the news) they made sure to make it appear like it came out of nowhere - it didn't, it has been on the cards for a long time AND it is the UK that provided the figures that made the EU calculate to 1,7 billion.


Regarding Greece, their biggest problem was for years that they had a government that cooked the books, you are surprised that they boiled them down for the EU-surcharge and blew them up for the rating agencies?


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 15:42 ----------


It sounds like we're still going to have to pay it, but all that's happened is that a rebate we would have been entitled to anyway has been brought forward to cancel out part of what was due.


It's like shuffling the deckchairs on the Titanic.






Interesting, where did you get that quote from?

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It sounds like we're still going to have to pay it, but all that's happened is that a rebate we would have been entitled to anyway has been brought forward to cancel out part of what was due.


It's like shuffling the deckchairs on the Titanic.






It was never really in question whether we'd pay it, rather as to when...

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Re. bold: Sure, but they knew when to say it, when the news broke (ie. when they chose to break the news) they made sure to make it appear like it came out of nowhere - it didn't, it has been on the cards for a long time AND it is the UK that provided the figures that made the EU calculate to 1,7 billion.


Perfect timing surely, when the news / figure was announced. Couldn't really do it before could they, the figure wasn't there?

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A Labour government would have just paid the 1.7billion in full on the first of December!


Don't be silly. If Ed Balls was chancellor we wouldn't have the best performing economy in the G7. We wouldn't have 30 million folk in work. We would have a missive hole in our finances and therefore nothing for the EU to try and grab.

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However, Sky's Europe Correspondent Robert Nisbet says it appears the EU will still get the full £1.7bn as a result of what he said some would call "clever accounting".


Nisbet explained: "Next year there will be two instalments that will equal £850m that will be paid to Brussels by the UK and it will get its rebate in full. So far so good.


"But the following year, in 2016 it appears that Britain won't be getting all of its rebate back, it will be the rebate minus £850m.


"So in effect Britain over the next few years is still going to be paying about £1.7bn but it’s going to be done in a way that spreads the pain over a couple of years."


The revelation that the 2016 rebate will be used to pay the remaining £850m has sparked a debate about whether the agreement is a good deal for Britain.


It's what my friend would call creative accounting.





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They do, but reporting it the way I did wouldn't serve the underlying agenda.
This underlying agenda is their main agenda, tzijlstra. Domestic politics. With a major ('the' major) deadline 6 months away.


You can't seriously expect them to do anything else but spin this for all it's worth, can you? (I'm not condoning it, just stating the bleedin' obvious here!)

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Hahaha, this is even better than what I thought. What did you say about journalists Roosterboost?


Dropped to an E+ in your estimation yet?


You're obviously very happy that the UK will have less money to spend on it's own needs... maybe we should give the EU all our cash and ask it to give us back what it doesn't want.. :)

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