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EU Budget surcharge - Result! Shouts Osborne.

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Why would you want that?


So they can see if the person who wrote it has a particular political axe to grind.



It's true the Conservatives have been spinning this for all it's worth but all the parties have been playing fast and loose with with figures for their own purposes. e.g. After happy claiming we would have to pay the EU £1.7B, it's hypocritical of Farage to now claim we were going to get the rebate all along.

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To be fair the opposing argument would be:


They knew about the charge, they made it into a massive political/media/public scence and used that pressure to get more favourable terms.

They then get to stand in front of their public and claim they beat the EU (I bet that gets mentioned somewhere in the news tonight)


They didn't beat the EU tho, it was quite clear when it all happened that 'we would not pay'

but we are going to pay :hihi: :hihi:


This was my first and immediate thought. Cynical maybe, but hey, it's government we're talking about here.


The rebated sum wasn't calculated by the EU, it was calculated and submitted by our own treasury They should've kept schtum...that's what I heard anyhoo.

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This is why a lot of people are disillusioned with politics.

Cameron with his mock sabre rattling and Osborne with his out and out lie just turns my stomach.


The EU should have produced the right bill in the first place, even Balls knew about that but kept quiet and waited so he could sabre rattle and mock in hindsight...???


Cameron and Osbornes sabre rattling actually straightened it all out! And saved us money as already pointed out!

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The EU should have produced the right bill in the first place, even Balls knew about that but kept quiet and waited so he could sabre rattle and mock in hindsight...???


Cameron and Osbornes sabre rattling actually straightened it all out! And saved us money as already pointed out!


You do realise it is the UK that provides the EU with the figures right?


Mecky's post is spot on (despite not having a source) - this surcharge wasn't just predictable, there is no real way that the government didn't know about it. The only way they could not have known about it was sheer incompetence or sheer spin.


Is that what you want your government to be? People moan like mad about the EU being undemocratic, how is this democratic? Playing the British public for fools.

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You do realise it is the UK that provides the EU with the figures right?


Mecky's post is spot on (despite not having a source) - this surcharge wasn't just predictable, there is no real way that the government didn't know about it. The only way they could not have known about it was sheer incompetence or sheer spin.


Is that what you want your government to be? People moan like mad about the EU being undemocratic, how is this democratic? Playing the British public for fools.


Are they playing us for fools? OR....


They played their hand by kicking up a fuss, then bringing in all the figures and sorting it out in one fowl swoop!


The EU are the ones playing funny business, they too knew about this rebate, as did Balls...


Guess what, its now sorted at less of a cost!

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The EU should have produced the right bill in the first place, even Balls knew about that but kept quiet and waited so he could sabre rattle and mock in hindsight...???


Cameron and Osbornes sabre rattling actually straightened it all out! And saved us money as already pointed out!


Cameron and Osborne knew the rules and stamped their feet to try and foster some supposed public opinion. It is simply electioneering

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You do realise it is the UK that provides the EU with the figures right?


Mecky's post is spot on (despite not having a source) - this surcharge wasn't just predictable, there is no real way that the government didn't know about it. The only way they could not have known about it was sheer incompetence or sheer spin.


Is that what you want your government to be? People moan like mad about the EU being undemocratic, how is this democratic? Playing the British public for fools.


The source is from what someone posted on FB. He like me, doesn't like the tories most of all, but I'm not sure of his own political persuasion, because he’s stuck it to most. I myself, no longer vote

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